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Show KILLED AT HITEHOUSE : . I rank U St"ele, itirnn (iindiittor, Mill m or Wmk. : Frank K Heelty veteran railroad " eonduilor nnd nn employe of the hen- ', ver nnd Itln (Irande for the past twenty one )onr met with nn ueel- ' lent nt Whllehouse n siding Just west '. of Cisco tnrl) Haturda) morning from vhlih he died a few hour Inter Tho lloston lllks' special which wan run- nlug a n si nind rectlon of No IB, tnd of whkh Hreh) wa conductor. " wa kldeswlped b) ilie engine of nn . extra freight train, nnd tho engluo of ' the passcugtr on which Sceley waa ', riding wn ruinpletel) turned over . ulnnlug him under the tender nnd en- ' tine HI back waa broken nnd he ; wn liiull) crushed, but lived several hour, during which ho waa coiiniIou. ' ill lody wu taken to Halt ltke City '. Sniurda) evening where hi wife and three children reside ; According to rtporle the extra . freight train lind pulled Into tho aid- Ing which vvna not na long na the ; train had gmif ton far, but had n . flagman out when the pacnger train " nme along Tho signal of the flag- ', man wn iimmrrul nnd the pusaengor train vtowed down tit about fifteen mile nn hour Knglueer IK rr, birr) ', who wna nt the throttle apparent)) did not notice that the freight wna so ; close nnd thought It would get out of the wn) The lde-wlplng blow had little effect on the freight (iiglnn but ; ivughl the passenger Just right lo ', throw It over on Its utile Pitniengcni ' on the train were bndl) sunken up Ono boy, unlet to have In en I eating . hi wu) on the pilot of the pacii. ' gtr wn bndl) cut on the hand and wu takiu care of by rallwa) ph)l- -rliimt. The frelkht trnju wn In rhnrge of Conduvtor Hnrttnttt nnd Hnglneir l Jinn of the flreen Ithir division It took about half an hour to get the engine out of the wuy and the truck cleared |