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Show PRICE CELEBRATES Tito 1'uurtli N DlM'reil In hmall Way Hatiinla), The Fourth of July wa obacrtril In n Miuatt way In 1'rlce lutt Huturday and the program a publlihed In Tho Hun ui partly carried out, the children' chil-dren' uport being the featuro of the day. The program of the morning u carried out ut the city hall with the exception of tho orutor of the day, who failed to rvapond, but hi place Mit ably filled by unothcr. The band wu out early In tho duy and dUeouraed trocet mutlo on the Ntreet before tho exerclte took place, while the Kko orcheitru played ev-erul ev-erul HeleectlmiM ut the hall. Taking It oil uround It wa a tniat for the kiddle" a well u omn of the grownup, but there aeemed to bo a lack of Interett all uround by the lommlttee In i barge. Trice junior beat the (.'untie Dalo nine by u neore of five to four. Ill the gamn between the 1'rlee leaguer and the BtBiulardvllle team the I'rlco team won by eleven to four. On Monday a good number of oltlen went to HoJiur. when- a bit celebration wa held. |