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Show H ' MINIATURE BATTLESHIP BLOWN UP AND MINE EXPLOSION I INTERESTING FEATURES IN TWO EXHIBITION PALACES IB ' I Anutlnrf Voice Amplifier and Other Wonders of the World's Frogmen at the Great Panama-Pacific Canal m , I Celebration Thia Year the Year of All Years to Take Marvel Jekrney to the Pacific Ceaat. FltOil every pnrt of Iho world visitor nre thronging to the great KiKnlllon ot Ban Krnn- H j , clsco. The Kxpotlllon there I R- , tbo most comprehensive nnd interest- H, lug of nit unlri'nutl expositions, nnd it H will probably Ik tlie last to ba held RV j ' I wltliln (lie present generation. Now RIM I la the time to see It. BSH I Tlio Pnnninn-l'Acine International ns flS ' position, which opened oil Feb. SO last, V I ha.i charmed the millions who hnvc nl flM ' ready beheld Iho inn Rio city by tlio j, (Joldcn 'late. ! The inancl of the universe aro dls- SK' played In the vast exhibit palaces, nf Ji , fording the most comprehensive at'tn V I mary of tlio world' progress ever dl- (' j closed. .Mnnjr of the exhibit arc in HH j revolutionary In their character nnd I menu n much to futiiro generation I an did the locomotive or telegraph , I when It wn tint Introduced Tho SbI '' I Ami I on nmidllter, for pxntnplp. mnkc J It Kslbie for a man In New York city RbbHJ i to deliver nn addrrM through tho tele- J j phono to n large nudlencc In 8iin I 'run BSP j clco, 3.000 tulle nway. Through tho & Uio of hent Have tho Intensity of tin) j 1 voice vibration U Increased to such 11 n Bjj , cxtniit that, although the orator tuny Sbb 1 -UelUcr his address In n low voice Into Jj j the telephone In New York, In Hit 11 Bfl8V' Francisco It Ik possible to Increase the RbbE J aound In Tolume atilllrlrnt to Oil n largo Mi . hall. On the other hand, tho Now York BS epcakor'a address may lo distributed SB through telephonic receiving disk nt- tached to racl) cbnlr In the halt In Kan Frauc-tsco. In otio of thn exhibit pnl- j acta visitor may. without charge, henr ; a man In New York nnd from thn Bs 1 headline of the New York newspn- VB pora. Thin perfurnanco brain In thn H ' , I'alace of Uhcral Artn each day at 3 H i - o'clock, .v. Ttle amatlsg voice ninpllfler It but one of tnnny revolutionary nclcntlfle ndrnnce dernoniitmtel at tho Kxinnl tlon. Tho Invention tin tnndo pomilbte the trnuxvntlncntnl telephone, and the principle which l applied tin not been developed to II fullest extent It l mid that with the pmbnblo dovclop- SttSWVV i VaBaLl Tsr.rritoNH Twairry'rwo rirt iimu at tun rAKAWA-ricirio axronmoy. Thli alant ttlrphona U thown In tit PtUc of Utrnl An, Panm.l,clt1o In(rtillonAl Kipoalllnn, Ban Kranclicn. mrnt of the long dlttamv wlrrle tele, phono thl next Invention will make It poaalble to project the human voice halfwny around the slobo without the uo of a telcpliono wire. Coutrnat th era alxty-llru yrnrn ngo, when the plo neer required month to crOM the plain, with thnt of todny, when the orator In New York may addrca hi audlcico In Ran rranclco, And there nro many other development develop-ment nn wonderful and a revolutionary, revolution-ary, all revealing the trend of the world' progroa In the art, fclencr nnd Industrie. If you nro Interested In mining, for example, beneath the Door of the vstt I'nlara of Mine you may find a mine In operation, with It t(oH! and tunnel nnd nhnfta nnd com-prrascd'ntr com-prrascd'ntr drill. Walt a moment and you tuny wltnrn nn explosion In the mlno. A gong rlnn; nn ambulance dahc tip with n enrp of rracucrs pro-vldcd pro-vldcd with reaplratory apparatua, and effect n rescue in the I'aince of Machinery you may ee n miniature batllcahlp tdown up by a miniature mine patterned after one of the latent type of tho aubmarlnc mine, in the I'alaro of IMucqtlon you will are claaae of itudcnta engaged !n their atudle. and pcrhftp you may tm able to ice Mine. MonteMorl, tho celebrated cele-brated Italian teacher, lnttuctlng claac of children. In the vaat ex hlblt palace and itate building motion mo-tion picture are freely employed with thl object In view. There are forty three free cinematograph ahowa upon Iho KiH)ltlon ground, and. by thn way, there U no charge to enter tho fxblblt palace. If you nre Interested In what the for clgn nation hnvo accompllahed you have only to vUlt the marvelou dl play of the Kuropcan rountrle or of thoe of the orient or South America. Cnnnda or Auatrnlla. Among the French display you ni.iy, If you wlih. behold prlcele work of art never before be-fore exhibited In America nnd which at the Kxpodnn And nnnctuary from the ravage of war. |