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Show fltlsn't Our Ambition to iGiveOnly What You Pay For, 9 ..but n little more. We want to give you complete sntisfac- M t!on ond gain your confidence, bo you will come here not once, but always. Any man, no matter how full his purse y fa Wnnts his money to go as far as possible. Let us show u hoW much you can 8ttV0 by nt onco ccominK customer of one of these stores. COME IN MAKE IT A RULE TO SEE WHAT WE OFFER BEFORE YOU BUY. Tho home of Good Clothes. Everything for the Home. Carbon-Emery-Stores Co. J. M. Bcatic, Gen. Supt. Stores nt Mohrlnnd, Hiawatha, Black Hawk and Enst Hinwatha. , GROCERIES Qiality, Service, Yalue, The Kind That Mother Likes to Buy Not Always the Cheapest, Possibly, But Always the BEST. The Garden Store rWKltl MICE, UTAH LARS FRANDSEN I Manufacturer of 'Brick of All Kinds Yards adjoining tho Dimcr tad Itio Grande Railroad com-piny com-piny on the south, three blocks tut of depot Olfico nt home, comer Main nnd Sixth streets Estimates Given and Prices I Quoted on Application i P.O. Box 93 Phone 43x ' puici:, utah r 'I One Dollar 1 Bur Iniurnnco (Accident) I Fully Paid For Ono Yonr What tho Policy Covora: t UEOO For Loaa ot Life $ $1000 For Loaa of Honda J 11000 For Ioaa of Foot. I 11000 For I.oaa ot Hand "d Foot. I (1000 For Lota of Kjoa X Uoo For I.oaa ot Ono Hand f 500 ForKoaaof On Foot T rtre InsaraBce, Real Estate.Loass I Xrth Americaa AccWest Us. Co. A. II. IIU.NTKN - rn Utftli lUprvMiitivtho J I'ltltu; UTAH lllliniUMHHtHf' The" Great Western Slope jj Newspaper - p.,.,,. ' THE tail Junction News ; Daily and Weekly. AH the news of;; Colorado. h-m-m im i tn m '' . make and maintain our own rJ '"ura,i rntcK, Bee ua conctrn- wur expiring poltclea. "No trou-jsJuiIh"? trou-jsJuiIh"? bo,"1s-" Nino of tho moat ,, i" "' lumpanle. doing buslne tlc t?.'lf. u W Crotkett Co. ". Utah ,dt Tho High Efficiency COAL Govt Equivalent, 2104 Pounda Unequalled for Btorngo Will Not fllnck licit of Bteamlnjc and Hinting Qunlltlca Indepcndcnf Coal 8 Cote Co. Minca nt cKnllworth, Utah Ocn Offlcci, Walker Hank DIiIr SALT LAKB CITY "'W i: Sunny side i: Liquor House i ;; Retail Liquor Merchants ; " Bunnyildo, Cnitlo dato, Win ' V, tor Qunrtcra nnd Cloar Creek ; i; NOTHING BUT THE BEST: Flno Wlnea, llrnndlca, Doora ! '; nnd CordlaU for tho Family ; , , Trade I Pool nnd Illlllard Tnbka ' j aiHIHimHIIIIIIIIDH !! NORTHERN J BAR ;; Kvorj thing Hlrat-Claim and '. Up-to-Dato ; ' ' Courkoua nnd Fair Treatment ; ; ; to aii . o ' : AMMAN & FORD ', ', Proprietor ifllllHIIIIIIHIIIHW iMHIIIllllHHUIiMM-H- jj White House; Bar ;: IIKTAII. AND VHOI.BBL" ' ','. Tim lhst In Wlnea, liquor nnd .. cigar. ; ; Solo Agent For ! jj COORS GOLDEN BEER:: ;; Peacock Brothers!: : : l'roprU tora ; ; IIIIH'l""""""ft It, y Crockett & Co, pl'neor ln-aurftitiM ln-aurftitiM oitonta of Price aollclt bul-e bul-e an, where In Utah lowest t In responsible eompanli-a. "r a' contested lot- In seventeen : bind-nes bind-nes at Price V, rite or osk for rate. Advt. Ik m Mill y tlinmberlaliiV I Iailat. list winter I tiaed Chambcrlu n Unlment for rluintlo Itni -ni.H and aoremaa of hJ"7"' """ can ionaclpntloul) nay that J mur uned anytmng that did .; much Bood"-Fdward Craft U N Obtainable oir where Ait. I.ehiel 1 tnnka und loose leaf devke of ever) ilesn rlptlon Tho Buna place of buslnesa Is thu former locution of the Advocute nuxt to Prke Commercial Commer-cial and Having bunk Mall ordera kiven prompt attention Addrcea, Tho Hun. Price, Utah Advt OUR METHODS AND ! SYSTEM ' I i ml, Sy Ykt ' ' j. ji Of keeping track of business is such thai :: y we never allow an insurance policy to lapse :: : or go by the day of expiratian. Few peo- :: .? ; pie remember when their policies expire.:: : This is a part of our business and we noti- :: u : fy the assured. A fire might in the i: Jm : meantime come. :: S : Policyholders in this agency arc invariably : notified of the date of expirations. The , ' S : moral is to place business with an agency ' K : that keeps track of your expirations. k ': We represent eight of the best fire insur- :: W i ance companies doing business in Utah. :: K We make and maintain our own rates, in- : f W i dependent of the fire insurance trust, oth- :: . m : erwise known as "the board of under- :: HH : writers." :: , WM i : We also write plate glass insurance, execute :: I Hfl : court bonds and do a broad and liberally :': 9 : conducted general insurance business. HH i We're the pioneers in the insurance business I B9 at Price and throughout Eastern Utah. , H ! : Ask us for rates, by letter, telephone or :: HH : telegraph or personally. Hi I R. W. Crockett & Co. 1 i "We'll Go Your Bonds." Main Street, Price, Utah . H DR. C. I CIIAMHCKLAIN 1IH IN I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U H 1 1 I H I'hHlcian and SurKcon. - hllll DClfH CII1TC :: ' HH offee ,n,,o;mmo,,u,,,,.,.g p fAUH ocAIgH jIIHj ee 5h WILLIAM H. TRYE J , ' " 7TT '' RtH ... , T , , This la tho place for your Palm , , BH AttOriiej-llt-UlV .. Jienih Hulta mndu lo measure. .. - li PIlICi:, UTAH lor hot wrnthir there I no- " ',3i Iloom B. Hllvognl lllock '' thlnit aa (ool ami comfortable na " HH a Palm lkarh Hull HHH ntKD'K E. WOODS A 1a,in iaoii Hult for iiusl- ; EI nes. , , Hill Attomcy-at-Law .. a Palm llvaoh Hull In tho )9HH PUICi:. UTAH :: evening Iloom H and IS Hllvagnl lllock " .. A, J'A,.m "fcn "ul1 ttl1 lho " ' HH tlmo In tha summertime H L. A. McGEE I , , ttir than the Heady Made. ; ; flH ... . ' Ijimm Tailored," Chkago UH Attorncy-at-L:iW if ou don't know what Palm ' D-H Pltlt'U. UTAH : Heach Cloth In, eomu In nod we ; BH Vlglla-llonomo Ulook . ; will .how jou ' M FERDINAND ERICKSEN Pa," ?eieh Suit 2 piece, :: H Lawyer " madc (o meajure $15.00. :: H 717 Judge Ilulldlng, Hull Iiko Clt) J " ;; E Humuel A King Clutide 1- King '' rKAWK Li llULKlU "' H KING & KING Tailor I AttorneH nucB. utah. I (H Commertlal lllock, Halt IjiKo Clt) X 4- n R. J. TURNER TllMI llilllllllllH H Civil nnd Mining Engineer jj Hum.) of all klnda. Mine examlna- HHHItHIIHIIItHrfrr'l' ! H tluna and reports on coal land . . . ?B ir - :j The utah saloon i , I Dentist J w Qontry, Manakor , IhlH Office Hour 0 to U und 1 to 6 Pinoni "r ln Kultra Utah WM Iloom 4 and B Mglla-Ilouomo lllelg . . WIWKB, L1QUOUB, CIOAIiS ' nrTF q riiinir " : : W,,0LKA,'B and uetail j : , M im. i. a. iituiMi, ., VAh nIiATZ nBBIl 0N TAp ., t JH Dentiflt SOUTH NINTH RTIIKITT J 9H Gas Administered yniCE. utah I I fl ! , !""H Offke Hlhaunl Ilulldlng 1'rlcc, .. iMmnn 74.A " i L'H and Helper Hunk llulldlnc. Helper. f ,,,,., ','. i ( At Helper from 10th to :oth of euch Deliver tlw Gootl. WmU month WIH4HUHtlHIHHIUs 9H -- -------------------- j IM IHIHIIIIeHII i Ml i IrHHtHflHtlMIWMUtt If H Sat last! !j HI -" ' I : MH :: Lumber and Building Material properly ! rl priced. "One foot or a Million." , ' 3 m " . (eviii I r! jj WEETER LUMBER CO. I! 1 It ' 'JB m iiiHiimiinniiiiiniiiiiiiiiinl li vy-j 8. i l |