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Show RAILROAD IS NEEDED Development of t'lnliil, IIukIii vwilt Cuming of Iron IIoi-m. It K llalstoii und .V. J. Mnii'k of rnlontovvn. Pa., who luivo been close ly uHSotlated with J. V. Thompson, tho Pennlvanla coal magnute, were In Halt lJke City last Tuesday on their way oust, lifter having visited tho coal field In the Uinluh llnsln. They also guvo wime uttentlon to the hydroenr-bun hydroenr-bun lieposltH nnd the oil fields, the exbtenre of which lias been reported cm that part of Utah. Mr. Italnton said the trip wa one of Inspection for Pennsylvania people and that he wus not ut liberty to talk concerning these for vhom he wu working or of the Investigation. Thl I the third trip ot llttlklon und Msnok to Halt lakn City within four month. Prior to tho opening of th West Virginia field ltalston mude Investigation for Mr. Thompson. "The I'lntah llasln I one of the best partH or tho West, but until there Is a railroad built Into that part of tho state there I little use 111 developing the ersouree," sold llulston. "Of oiiree It might be said that with the development there will be ic railroad built, but I cannot sen development without a nil I road to get big tonnage, but the railroad do not havo the money for extension or construction purpi at thl time. If thn Moffat line would soon be built through the basin, something might be done, or If a bran- H line should bo built from somu of the point on the Denver and lllu Cirundo or from Halt l.ake City there might bo some development." |