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Show CC1FE!) STUFF SHOWMNMCE llt'l.K (IF CATTLH HULLING KTIi-dv KTIi-dv roit lit i: FAST WIIMK. Sheep anil ImiiiiIm An Holillug Their Own At the .Markets or Knnwis-City and Omaha Native Spring taintx llriug Nlnc-l'lfly ItHcs Amiind I'oiir.l'irty lo lite ntnl n Qunrtcr. Correspondence The Hun. KANHAH CITY, Mo.. June 31. Corn fed cattle advanced fifteen lo thirty cents lait week, drawing away from the lower grade by Just that much mure, bulk or the cattle selling steady ror tho week. Ilecelpl today are three thousand head, the supply being restricted by the rears or high water, as well as crippled condition of some of the carriers. The threat or water damage has disappeared today nnd clear skies remove alt danger or flood. I 'ackers are all buying, as the river has been stationary since morning, morn-ing, nnd will start railing today The market was strong to ten tent higher some sales fifteen cents up. Native offerings were light, as shippers feared fear-ed high water, but some yearling reached Vi.it, bulk of the natives nt 18. IS to IS. 00. A fen I u re today wa the snlo of some prMe fed steer from Canyon City, Tex, nt 19.10 to .3t, weighing 1314 to 1411 pound average, aver-age, highest price ever ld for Texas attle on tlie open market. Another leading sale today wa a train of eighteen cars of steers from Thoeiilx. Arlx.. fattened on ground barley, nt I7.lt to $H.:5. weighing around twelve hundred pounds. Including n load of bull at M.dt and u load or stag at 17.1 B. These prices were very pleas. Ing to the shippers, a wa also the light shrink, the cattle taking u good rill here. Ilutcher grade remain firm, account of scarcity Quarantine arrival were delayed by washouts, although al-though two or three trains got In late., for which buyer were waiting. Feed-er Feed-er and stocker aro In strong request, but supplies aro limited, desirable cattle cat-tle largely at I7.J& to M.00. a few cattle cat-tle above these prices, Hheep and lambs remained steady today, with some signs nf strength, re-celpts re-celpts only twcnty.one hundred head. Native spring lamb brought .B0, and some luw grade mixed Texu lock brought I5.7S. forwarded to this market from Ft Worth, where It did not get any bid. Native ewes are worth 1 1. SO lo IS.3S. Omatm Live Stock. OMAHA. June 31. Cattle lie. celpts. S300; market strong Native ateer 17.60 to .3S: t,,w nnd half, era, 1 4.00 to 17.71: Western steer. J0.50 to 18.30; Texas steer. 16.00 to I7.B. cow and heifers. I.7S to 17 U calve IN. 00 to fto.to. Hheep Iteeelpts, I (00; market strong Yearling. .ll to S 31-wethers. 31-wethers. 11.00 to $.; mk ,M0 to 19.71. I Knu.ns CM, Markets KANHAH CITY. June. XI. CsUe Iteeelpt. 1000; market steady. lTlme fed steers. I0.DJ to I9.I0; uresse.1 ult steer. I7.KI to I9.M; Westers, stem I7.J0 to 19.31; sUM-kers Tnd rJe enlve. la t $o.9. Hheep He, wpts. m; market stea-dy stea-dy tamiw I8.ua t .7. y,ar' " ": wethers! ,B:,oy7r'B(t ewes. 14.7ft to SR 7V |