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Show COMING TO UTAH FOR SHOOT VISIT KritAw mum v vi.i.i:v I'uojkct is to hi: i.Ki'i:rn:i. (iowTiimcut !ti preventative to View und 1'iik Umiii l,ntcr (Jrcnt Irrigation Irriga-tion Projects of tho West, Chief Among Willi ti Is Onn of Tills State Have Been to ,ortlmit. nieven members of tho appropriations appropria-tions committee of tho national house of representative, together with the four members of tho rtulaiiintlon commission, urn muklng a personal Investigation In-vestigation of tho great Irrigation and otr.r reclamation aehemea that have !een put under wn by the national government Ihe party will be in Utah next Hundu), June 27th This Is purel) n buslncen trip The memlxra of thn appropriations m mltteo nre nnxlous to nmiualnt themselves them-selves nt first hand with the works that they have sanctioned nnd may bo called upon to sanction In the near future The part) Is carefull) avoiding avoid-ing entertainments nnd speech making mak-ing The members Uft Chicago on June 1st. and will complete (lie tr tour on Jul)' Uth The Htrnwberr)' Vulle) project will be the principal Interest In Utah tiev-eral tiev-eral da will be apent In an Inspeitlun of that great undertaking Oregon. Washington. Idaho, Nevada. California. Califor-nia. Arltonn, New Mexico, Colorado ml Wyoming will ho vlaltwl The part) la In Cultrurnln ,at the piesoiit time Inspecting the Orland reclamation reclama-tion iroJert In tlwt slate The party will li lamath 1'ulla. ore North Yuklina. Wash., llermis-ton. llermis-ton. Ore Caldwell, Nainpa, Jerome ind Mlnlduka. Ida. before they reaih Salt Ijike Ct Krom there the) will vo to l'rovn and Hprlngvlllo. then to Montrose. Polta, Qraud Junction. Oale Hiding und Dinner, Colo After Denver thu members will make stops at llrldgeport und Tor-rlnKtonv Tor-rlnKtonv uh, I'owefl and Corbet. W)o. Great Kails. Olacltr lark, Mai-ta Mai-ta und Drowning, Mont. They will finish their tour at Chicago on July IMh. |