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Show UTAH GETS MEDAL i FOR BESTEXHIBITJ high iioNoii iim r" stii : T Till: liXI'OSITtON ; ScIiimiI Kxhlblt III the 1'itlmv of IUIii- cation Al Hon IVnuilacn Given the ', Grand Mcilnl of lloniir It) the Jury ; or Avvnnls lcvv People In Half Hut Ulinl Can Itenil mill Wrlti-. HAN KHANCtHCO June IS -landing In gencrnt beaut) nnd design, the newl) eompleled school dtspla) of the state of Utah In the I'alacn of IMuca-tlon IMuca-tlon nt the ranama-I'nclfli Inlcrna-tlounl Inlcrna-tlounl exposition waa toda) nwnrnid the grand medal of honor b) the Jur) of nwnrd. That the exhibit oxet other dlspln) of state nnd foreign nation In the building tin In en general!) gen-eral!) admitted, but It wn feared that It would not be completed In time for the work of the Jur) 1'rof J K Mo-Knight Mo-Knight of the Unlverslt) or t'lali haa been nt work nlmost night nnd dn and succeeded In getting thi special enlr) made The exhibit la enllrel) a new one, the former display having tteen taken out ami new mnlerlal Installed In-stalled The exhibit waa unl cnlcrid n a whole, or hi the opinion of the Jurorc several or the featuna would have obtained ob-tained gold medals one of the Juror. Dr Downing, Inking pnln to nssuro the Utah official to that effect It I considered, however, tlinl to capture , the medal of honor I n much moro notable nehlevement for the stnte mid ' n higher trlbutn to the exicllenco of , Us pulttli schools, than to have Hull- ldiinl schoola given tnedala for their ; work gratlf)lng a thla might hnvo Iteen Hpeclat mention wna mndo b) the Juror of the Joweto work of tho eleimnlar) training school, which Include In-clude the culling, polishing nnd mounting of Weatttn semiprecious atones. l'rofeMor McKnlght nnd Utah offl-cluU offl-cluU are hlghl) Jubilant over tho award, which follow dosel) on the winning of two gold nnd one silver medal for the dlspln) In the I'nlace m Horticulture Utah hna had eeverul dlspln) In Din educational palace, but none of them lint been antlsfnctor) Tho present one waa Installed b) I'm-fesnor I'm-fesnor MnKnlght, nnd the mnlerlal wn selected b I'rof 1 W Ite)nolda of tho I'nlveralt) of Ulnh li whom the credit I dm for the inngulflcenl showing show-ing mndo lllltcrni') t MluliiiiiMi In t'lnli. Advamsmeiit lu edueutloli III the stale of Utah tin taken such stcna stm c educational statistics wire compiled com-piled In 1PI0 that the present )our the percentage of persona In the slate who urn considered Illiterate I ecin-rlderubl) ecin-rlderubl) lower thun In the past. Dr K G Gownna, atnte aiipcrlnten-dent aiipcrlnten-dent of public Instruction, an) 1910 rtntlslli showed an average or 3Vi persona pir one thousand In tint stnte who could neither read nor write: the IlKiire thl )cur allow it deennse, al though he could not give the exitet number of uneducated person. Hlallstlc recentl) compiled b) the bun nil or education of the United Htates dtpurtment or the Inlirlor showed Denmark to have the highest rate In educational erflilcnc). With mil) one person In tnclt thousand who iiiuld nelthir read nor write Of SAO 000 Danish e hlldri n of si liool ugn nub thrce hundred und eevonl) railed to nltend erhoo! during 1911. uieonllng to the report |