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Show WAR DEGLRRED ON T THISTLE W MtMV.H ikki.fi TO TIIH PAIl. Mints of Tin: statk. Pest Apmnr lo lime Made Mart In Knit Lake County nml In Spreading Through Carbon, Cache nml Utah to Other Section Rrlrnlturnl Col-lego Col-lego I'rofowoni Iwmic Warning Tho Agricultural College of t'tah nt Logan has Issued warning to the farmer far-mer of the state urging destruction of the Canadian thistle The bulletin ay, among other things, that thin war should be one of utter extermination extermina-tion There can bo but one outcome If all the people the farmer, the clt) folk, the countlis, the cltlea and corporation line up In their determined deter-mined might to idny the lnadlng army ar-my The arm nf the enem originated origin-ated In Europe It hni nlread) oer-run oer-run mnny part of Canada and In now making Iti march of devaluation through thlH ivuntn Detachmentu hao already been found In Onrhe. Ball I.ake, Utah nml Carlton counties. The) are cpeclall nctle In the mib-urban mib-urban dlitrlcln, mul are thorotiRhlt In trenching themiehea along the mnalu nnd dltchea of theec Keetlonn. tfnteen wo bring to bear eer available force, and execute the law ittrlrtl) It will be a matter of tint a nhorl time until the orum will have u flrmlt grlped In hi might) arm trcrlitlon of the IVt Tho Cannda thlntle U a prnnnlal plant, living on Jir after )er It rangea from one to three feet In height, with moderate I) Mender xtnlka an compared with the other Dilution. Tho IcttXeK are er) nplli) nnd the margin hae n rufflnl nppearnnee Tho iplniH cituwt Irrltntlon In the mouth of lle ntock fed on feed from thlntle Infect) d fUldr The ntcm arc much branched I m Minootli The flower head art borne near the top of tho branched In n oomewhat clustered clus-tered condition The flower mean-urea mean-urea about half an Inth In diameter, or lee and 1 unually purple In color but man) range to nlmont white It bloom uuunlly from July lo AuguM, thl year a earl) an June I Ike llie riniiii Kuiplrv. Like the great (Irnmin empire. It hn proxldml Iteelf with Immeime quantltle of ruNnt food, which l Monti In It monntruiiH underground root n)iein, eiinei rooi mniifm una fonnlllute II great xtrength and make pomlhte lu might) endtminee The plant doe ntt tune to depend on needing each year for It propagation but will live on Imleflnltel) without thl prorewi. The great root yt in Iiuh powir to tnd up new xlniol or plAiil from ii thfliinanil life giving ccntir. Tin re art d finite niHe where a dingle retl ha eproultM and within two )enr, through the rout )tem alone upread to oir tent) Wiuiire feet of urfw This munnter feed m heavily mi the eoll and tover the crouiid m mmplelt I) that mi ntlii r plant line an) ban e of ur-vlvlng ur-vlvlng It I the horror of all farmer w'io know It |