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Show MAN WI.I.I. KNOWN MlCAI.iA IS TUANHFimiti:i TO FIUKCO Capt. Oeorge K. Hair, chief of tho Halt Inkn City field division of tho United Btntc general land office, haa been transferred to the Hah Francisco office, where he will bn general field ngent. I In will be associated with the Ban Francisco office nfler July 1st. It Htanley lllurlcli of Maryland wilt lii transfered from tho Alaska and Keattto division to succeed Captain Hair nt Halt l-ukn City. Capt. Oenrgo 1.. Hair haa been In Halt Lake City since 1906. When Halt I.ako City wo mnilo n division ho be-en be-en mo chief, which position ha haa held tlnco 1907. Tho notice of hi transfer trans-fer came from United Htnte ltnd Commissioner Clay Tallman nt Washington. Wash-ington. D. C. Illnrlch, Captain Unlr'a successor, will be In Utah prior to July 1st to take ocr the of flea on thnt date. |