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Show IIAKKIl I.UMIIKH COMPANY FimmiNti on pitici: Y.utn Itecently J. It. linker, president of thn linker Lumber compnny with a string of fifteen yard throughout Utah, wn In Price with n View of purchasing nnn of tha three lumber bitelnesaeM utteady established here or putting In a place or his awn. It went so far ns to get n price out of the Htevenwin Lumber company for the holding of that concern, and later la-ter sent thn auditor of the linker Lumber Lum-ber company to Price to cheek up thn business. Thn deal, however, has fallen through so ,nr um the Maker peouln urn concerned, J. II. llaker making the utatemrnt he did nut. coma hero with the Intention of beffig held up, llaker Lumber company haa n proposition propo-sition from at least onn other concern at Price, and It tuny Ik that a deal will yet be made. The llaker company recently purchased pur-chased the Thornton yard at Amcrl ran Fork. |