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Show Mothers Study Club Meets At Mrs. Merrill's The Mothers Study Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ray S. Merrill. Vice President Lacy White took up a few matters. It was voted that the club members would donate money and materials, mater-ials, needles and thread would be bought to send to West Germany. A historical novel, "Steamboat Gothic" by Frances, Parkinson was reviewed by Mrs. Guy Hill-man. Hill-man. Steamboat Bothic was a lavish mansion built on the Mississippi. It was later presented to the state as a museum. A delicious tray luncheon was served by the hostess to the following fol-lowing guests and club members: Mrs. Gerald Belliston, Mrs. P. V. Christofferson, Mrs. E. M. Williams, Will-iams, Mrs. B. H. Adams, Mrs. Karl Banks, Mrs. Earl Beck, Mrs. I Thomas Fenton, Mrs. S. W. Hilton, Mrs. Irwin Jensen, Mrs. J. M. Macfarlane, Mrs. Emma Over-lade, Over-lade, Mrs. M. D. Radmall, Mrs. Harry S. Richards, Mrs. Wm. C. Smith, Mrs. H. S. Walker, Mrs. Lacy White and Mrs. Oral Wright. |