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Show Wadley Elected To Head Manila Farm Bureau At the Manila Farm Bureau election el-ection held Wednesday evening at the Alpine Grill the following officers of-ficers were elected: President, Ny-al Ny-al Wadley, vice president, Charles Warnick, Stanford Ekins, J. H. Harvey and John Swenson, directors. direct-ors. Project leaders are: Stanford Ekins, membership; J. H. Harvey, publicity; K. Adams, dairy; Stephen Steph-en L. Warnick, poultry; J. H. Harvey, Har-vey, livestock; Kenneth Harvey, crops; Nyal Wadley, fruits; Charles Char-les Warnick, boys 4-H; Leo P. Harvey, irrigation; S. J. Swenson, roads; Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge Wamick, spring cleanup campaign; cam-paign; K. Warnick Swenson, farm safety; Keith Warnick, fire pre-vetnion; pre-vetnion; Lee Swenson, gopher control; con-trol; Clifton Wadley, weed control. J. H. Harvey, attendance at tractor trac-tor school; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harvey and Mrs. and Mrs. John Swenson, young couples group. Counly. officers in attendance at the meeting were R. G. Gardiner, Gard-iner, A. J. Madson, Velyn Stevens and AJva Tingey. |