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Show fi- ,'ui jii I -i l.im -.J rou - .l i P i !"'" - ii-.... I 11 j LET US DELIVER N j W!!!LE YOU GAZE Al ' NATURE'S" ART 1 M i aw r i k co.. - jA Speedy f i Sperry's WHEAT HEARTS, 3 lbs. pkg 47c BISQUICK, (While they hst . . . . 51c J CAP Corned Beef 49c j : Campbell's Tomato Soup 11c bach I s La Choy Bean Sprouts lc j La Choy Chow Mein, Nooodles, 19c WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP, Ige pkg .... 31c ; WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP,Giant 63c J SIERRA PINE TOILET SOAP, 4 FOR . . 37c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 2 FOR 27c AJAX CLEANSER, 2 FOR 27c SCOT TISSUE 2 FOR 29c j SPRY 41c 1 IVORY BAR SOAP, 2 FOR 13c j WW' ! k3MSL md ) 1 ,f..L... jww wmm- Tini Ji.l u Ri mi mn in i mi 11 i 1 1 n .11 n r 11 ll rirr hit 1 ' 'T' l J l 1 t nr l I Pi J llfSb'''gain this week IGA otters you more oulslandin -5 j JifcrfKLl -j'values in canned foods, '-g-r,,- j ! sBl-T3,r , M CASE LOTS AND SAVE! ' . Wheat Chex Shredded Ralston -19c j Chef Boy-ardee 39c Kremel Desert, 2 for 1 5c j Sego Milk, Tal!", 4 for 57c 1 Soup Campbell's Vegetable, 8 $1.00 , Tomato Soup, Campbell's, 3 for 35c White King Granulated 31c White King Water Softener 25c Babo 2 for - -25c Tuna Fish Brest of Chicken 27c Frying Chickens Northwesters pan ready Lb. 69c h Gem Squres Lb. 29c Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables h sceooooeooeocccoooooooooecooooco S j jr j V " g IHII II III I IB 1 1. I II I ) 1. I !"T1 " --ir-7T r.y-i jr V-J"rT-rrnv- i mo am. ii ! mbm a Meets Every Home Demand STAR FLOUR MILLS AMERICAN FORK. UTAH Ruthless rnisr KiQflMlSj i I uiUfcA'riNimt inJhAAn1- ----- - -..i-w.t.yj Y0 URBEST DETENT IT'S TRUE . . . the glass-surfaced steel tank s-' ''7rsv a Permaglas water heater can't rust jfe - ,.-m because glass can't rust. I L IT'S WONDERFUL . . . You can have all the ' ir;j ' sparkling clean hot water you want. 1 JE(j1 No more rust to ruin your wash or i, Jfti JVI ; corrosion dirt to discolor water and fixtures.' j ','") ' Your hot water will, be as clean and 1 ; .: sanitary as the water you drink. ! .J ; IT'S MADE TO IAST . . . You won't have the ; ' , expense of replacing a Permaglas every ; few years because glass can't rust. I' AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS GUNTHER'fr "Your Comfort Is Our Concern" , Phone American Fork 607 for free estimate. Pleasant Grove Real Estate 79 SOUTH MAIN I FRAME HOME, 1-2 Acre Lot 3 Rooms, Bath, closp in $7500 4 ROOM FRAME, Full Basement, 1 1 a Acres. Barn and Garage $9000 NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME Large Built in Garage More than 1000 Square Feet Floor Space. Terms $11, COO ; yovorif iaiforted I A H0!-LAHDBULBS 'I'l'l ii Jjlir ... are now ready for you. Conic in iiM ' Pi 'n'w and make your ieleciion from our lljiil I n wide range of colors and varieties. They MT I III are eas t0 grow and in "ie Spring you WilWj and fhr fr'ends wi" be ab,e t0 en'oy I ilVJ months of brealhlaking beauty. 'l VtWwY Imported Holland Bulbs ore big and WwV ' healthy. They give you the most fcr 1 yur money' We also have Choice Jite Peonies and rTffi (f V0l ' Bleeding Hearts 'fi ' Now is the Time To Plant Them American Fork Nursery TTTT T? TTTTTTTTTTTTT tTTl SI-:iTTC TANKS CESSrOOLS FIELD DKAIXS Clnancd, Installed Repaired Veteran's Sanitary Service I'lionp 3G07 flS5 W est Third So. Hubert F.. Eyre, Jr. Trovo, T'ti C A Rasmussen Insurance and i 1 Real Estate Phones Res. 2323, Office 331 1 |