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Show Wedding Reception At Home Of Brides' Parents Fetes Newlyweds A nicely arranged wedding reception re-ception on Thursday, Feb. 19 honored hon-ored Nancy Mae Hupe and Mark Arlynn Radmall who were married on Feb. 18 in the Salt Lake LDS temple. The very fine affair was held in the Second ward recreation hall, where the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Radmall stood at the head of the lineup with the young couple. The brides' sole attendant at-tendant was Margaret Martin of Springville, while best men were Paul and Grant Radmall, brothers of the groom. The brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hupe of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, were unable un-able to be present. The attractive bride was fittingly fitting-ly gowned in white satin, with overskirt of nylon net and fitted lace trimmed bodice The sheer nylon ny-lon net veil was held by a satin bonnet with seed pearl trim. She carried yellow roses and white carnations. Miss Martin chose a green net formal and held yellow roses. Receiving guests at the door were Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Batty, and Miss Laurene Smith handled the guest book. Reed O. Walker was master of ceremonies for the program, as follows: a vocal solo "Because' by Bobby Dean Wilcox, a missionary companion of the groom, accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. Howard Nelson; a piano solo, Mrs. Mary Beihling; a toast to the young couple, by Ray Merrill; a vocal solo "For You Alone" by Joseph Brinkerhoff, a missionary companion of Mr. Radmall; Rad-mall; two vocal numbers ''I Love You Truly," and "If You Were the Only Girl." Dancing concluded conclud-ed the evening's entertainment. Mrs. Lucille Hillman, Mrs. Leone Le-one Carson and Mrs. Ford M. Paulson arranged the gift display assisted by Misses Jeanne Hill-man Hill-man and Coralee Smith, who received re-ceived gifts at the door. Mrs. Perry Jenson and Mrs. Edwin Ed-win Mart were in charge of refreshments. re-freshments. Misses Maureen Merrill, Mer-rill, Loraine Heeling, Donna Rae Carlson and Nola Ash, all members mem-bers of Mark's Sunday school class, served, and boys of the class, Lowell Smith, Paul Allen, Bruce Rogers, John Rasband, acted as ushers. Accompanying th? young couple to the temple on Wednesday and witnessing the ceremony performed perform-ed by Elder Robert Burton were the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rindfleisch. Mrs. Clarence Clar-ence Niron and Bert Nixon. |