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Show si:tviic cikcu: niaauaaaiait Colorful '.rowels for Gay Kitchen Huff to n unijhij;tl)y I r rfcrnan'l an 4 current war ron'lltionfi, KJIrit J y moM tlrnn la r'-'julri-fl In fllllfij oirJf-rN for a frw ol lh most popular palt'-rn nurfX'-ra. Snfl your orfi'-r to: Hf.wing ClrclD Nrt1lr;raft Dept. Uoi 3!.7 Kan f-randtco 6, Culif. KdcIom Id centi for IJatU:ra No Mr. rr. 7235 Jff MONDAY pROSS-STITCH kittens (8-to-the-inch crosses) get involved in household tasks and end up by making your kitchen gay with colorful col-orful towels. Start these towels now. Pattern 7235 contains con-tains a transfer pattern of 7 motifs 6V2 by 8 Inches; list of materials; stitches. For Joyful Cough Relief, Try This Home Mixture Saves Big Roliars. No Cooking. Thla splendid recipe la uied by millions mil-lions every yiar, beriu.o It make Buch a dependable, effective medicine for coughs due to coldfl. It la bo easy; to mix a child could do It. From any drugLst, get 2 ounce of Pinex, a special compound of proven prov-en Ingredients, In concentrated form, well-known for Its soothing effect on throat and bronchial membranes. Then make a syrup by stirring two cups of granulated sugar and one cup of water a few moments, until dissolved. dis-solved. No cooking needed. Or you cam use corn syrup or liquid honey, Instead In-stead of sugar syrup. Put the Pinex Into a pint bottle and add your syrup. This gives you a full pint of cough medicine, very effective and quick-acting, and you get about four times as much for your money. It never spoils, and Is very pleasant children love It. You'll too amazed by the way It takes hold of coughs, giving quick relief. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the Irritated Irri-tated membranes, and helps clear the air passages. Money refunded If tt doesn't please In every way. mmm W On your favorite Tf. B. C. station every Saturday morning; 9:00 A. M., M. W. T. KIDO KGIK KSEI KD1L KTFI KOB KOA 8:00 A. M., P. W. T. KFI KPO KHQ GHf 9011 . mmm l ap MLS? Take good-tasting tonic many doctors recommend Catch cold easily ? Listless ? Tire quickly f Help tone up your system I Tate Scott "i Emulsion contains natural A & D Vitamins your diet may be larking. It's - JEk great! Buy today. AH druggists. , vs y . V , v- " , - ' ; I i ..M8N QUICK . . Feel the soothing warmth of Ben-Gay... as it goes to work, relieving those cold symptoms. Doctors know about J ' , the two famous pain-relieving agents inBen-Gay methyl ; jj salicylate and menthol. Ben-Gay contains up to 2 Vi times i . j f - more of these ingredients than five other widely offered : rub-ins. For fast relief, get genuine quick-acting Ben-Gay. r '- 1,1.4 HJWI. i.Ui.l..l..,.J. IILi. ,ffq.ti,l .W 1 , ) n Ul I. . l , - ' I " "" "' '- - - - - -1 ' "iV-1"" it - " -V-lr--J si 11iir |