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Show SIM liC CUU.I.i: I'A'l'l'l'.HNS IVelly, Practical Apron-Pinafore Tol's Krock lor School or Play I For tough and throot Irrltationi rtiulV Ing from coldi or no Wing, ml I Horn dm y j COUCH LOZENGES j ; Really sooihin became they're J j really medicated. Each F & F J ; Coup.h lAjztnys jrives your throat ; a J6 minute wjo thing treatm'mt J : that reach :h a lie nva dijn . . . he- ; low the gurgle liiiC. OnJy 10 box. ; rr-r 0741 Put Every Spare Penny You Own Behind Victory And a Lasting Peace! ! Buy War Savings Bonds i i Due to an unununJIy lnrrre demand and current war conditions, slightly more time la required In fllllnf? orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cenU la coins for each pattern desired. j Pattern No Size Nam Address SNAPPY FACTS - ABOUT fe) RUBBER The flnt use of motor trucks ond that means rubber tires by the U. S. Army In active campaigns i occurred during the Punitive Expe- j dition Into Mexico In 1916. About 800 motor vehicles were In use on the Mexican border. , B. F. Goodrich's latest analysis of tho rubber situation shows that after the war annual potential rubber pro-duct pro-duct ion of the world should be 2,800,000 long tons. This Is more than twice the amount of rubber used by the entire world in 1941, tho record year, when consumption consump-tion totaled 1,300,000 long tons. BEGoodrich 1272 ji Apron-Pinaforo A CURRENTLY popular style is the mother - nnd - daughter theme. This attractive house frock for mother buttons at the shoulder and waist in back and is mar velously simple to do up. Pattern No. 1272 comes In sires 14, 16. 18. 20; 40 and 42. Size 10, with sleeves, requires 4'i yards of 35 or 39-Inch material; mate-rial; 4 yards ol rick rick to trim. Play Frock I ITTLE daughter will feel quite - grown-up in her apron pinafore pina-fore to match mother's. The gay over-shoulder ruffles and sweetheart sweet-heart neck are edged in bright binding. Ideal for school or play Pattern No. 8741 Is designed for sizes 2. 3, 4. 3 and ( years. Size 3. with sleeves, requires 2?. yards of 35 or 39-Inch material; 3 yards trimming for ruffles and neck. WhenYourlnncrds"! are Crying the Blues WHEN CONSTIPATION makes you feel punk as tho dickens, brings on stomach upset, sour taste, gassy discomfort, take Dr. Caldwell's famous medicine to quickly pull tho trigger on lazy "innards", "in-nards", and help you ieel bright and chipper again. DR. CALDWELL'S is the wonderful senna sen-na laxative contained in good old Syrup Pepsin to make it so easy to take. MANY DOCTORS cs pepsin preparations prepara-tions in prescriptions to make the medicine medi-cine more palatable and agreeable to take. So be sure your laxative is contained con-tained tn Syrup Pepsin. INSIST ON DR. CALDWELL'S the favorite fa-vorite of millions for 50 years, and feel that wholesome relief from constipation. constipa-tion. Even finicky children love it CAUTION: Use only as directed. DLcmmrs SENNA LAXATIVE CONTAINED IN YRUP PEPSIN "DADDY, YOU ACT j AS OLD AS JZl'X- M GRANDPA TODAY" p , r '. t4 ' f ' ' . . V " P ' "... rais '. -v ' .:-'!:-vr. ;-,. (ZT jSOBETHHEt MANY MEN are persecuted by ,i r , .,r lumbago or other nagging muscle SOOTnQS TOST Wiiil pains especially after exposure to a n llPflf cold or dampness. If every sufferer 1 ElkIaf4l could only know about soretonb U J EaLJ 1 1 till 1 Liniment 1 In addition to methyl salicylate a most effective pain- A P I 1 II H relieving agent. Soretone acU liko Maw I 1 w I m cold heat to speed relief : i - 1 1 c . . '. to easa' f 1. Quickly borelone act to enhance en-hance local circulation. MUSCULAR LUMBAGO 2. Check muscular cramps. riD RArVArUC 3. Help reduce local swelling. UK BALKALMfc , r., . tf 1 1 j to tlju or upturn 4. Uilate surface capillary blood vessels. MUSCULAR PAINS For fastest action, let dry, rub in i 'rr)l iu' again. There's only one Soretone 1 CAn- iipicricp insist on it for Soretone result. --J"':W UKfc MUiLLti 50. Big bottle, only )L Z du. t. ov.rw.rt r" I 1,1-3 MINOR SPRAINS ;V . ism "Jim v;Vf --1 ' - - ; . . F ' H ' f.clent inirrdlenu In 8or- 1,1 1 " " 1 1 " "-nit,-,, n w r. , ton. .ct Ilk. he.t to lncr.i ' th lupertidil .upplr wt it J Ttr V 1 1M u A - blood to th. .r and tnduoo and McKesson makes it j ZP- a mm. t wumtk. DON'T JUST SUFFER COLD MISERIES GET MULTIPLE RELIEF RELIEF ONE-Reduce fever. RELIEF TWO-Eose stuffy nose. RELIEF THREE-Reduce body aches. RELIEF FOUR-Ease muscle pains. RELIEF FIVE-Lessen headache. Ciove'o Cold Tnblcrs, like many doctor's prescription, are a multlpls medicine. A combination of eiftht active ac-tive medicinal ingredients especially designed for relief of usual cold miseries. mis-eries. Insist on genuine. GROVE'S xr. Your family doctor uses Cutter Vaccines & Serums to protea you CUTTER VACCIHES S SEEIUL1S and your family against disease because most Western physicians rVWI f I.K lUltitJ prefer Cutter biologicals. So think what it means when we promise produced in equally high quality you that our livestock biologicals are made with the same scientific ff?T SnOPPO? O'fl'fl'i MfUPsltni care as our products for humans. No wonder Cutter really does a 1 11 iiHyJciCSy Ciillivy pS.iry job of cutting your disease losses. If not available locally, order direct from Cutter Laboratories: Berkeley, Denver, Fort Worth, SilSCp. llOS Los Angeles, San Antonio, Seattle, U J & I |