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Show Marriage Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Radmall announce the marriage of their daughter Beth Louise to S 1c Ver-lyn Ver-lyn L. Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olsen. The vows were exchanged ex-changed at the home of the bride's parents, Thursday evening, February Febru-ary 8, at eight o'clock. The bride wore an olive green suit with black and white accessories access-ories arid an orchid corsage. The Bride's attendants were Mrs. Farrel Ross, sister of the bride and Miss Clela Gibson. Sergeant Vernon R. Radmall acted as best man. The room was tastefully arranged with ferns and potted plants. President Pres-ident Merrill N. Warnick performed the ceremony by candle light. Ice cream and wedding cake was served to the following guests: Mr. and Ml",. Nephi Radmall, parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Olsen parents of the groom, Mrs. Mary Olsen, grandmother of the groom. Sergeant and Mrs. Vernon Radmall, Mrs. Harold Fox, Mrs. Marvin Radmall and daughter Jo Ann. Mrs. Farrel Ross, Private Mar Radmall, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hall, and President and Mrs. Merrill N. Warnick. ftcv the ceremony the yc.ng couple left for a short honeymoon. |