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Show Mrs. Olin Yancey and Mrs. Kath-erine Kath-erine Gardner entertained the Second Sec-ond Ward Primary officers and teachers at the Yancey home on Monday evening. The earlier part of the evening was spent dicus-sing dicus-sing Primary problems and planning plan-ning the Primary Children's Christmas Chris-tmas Party. A short program concluded the evening. Tasty refreshments re-freshments were served. Officers and teachers included: Mrs. Minnie Duke, Mrs. Zada Wallace, Mrs. Lois Pritchett, Mrs. Oral Wright, Mrs. Moyle, Mrs. Venace Merrill, Mer-rill, Mrs! Lyle Halliday, Mrs. Beth Fenton, Mrs. Kaherine Gardner Gard-ner and Mrs. Olin Yancey. |