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Show Defining a Diplomat A diplomat is one who never tl' about himself when his visitor tst" to talk about himself. Well to Remember. Carelessness about sacred ft-" may seem to be u little sin, but It Ho deadly work In the soul of a A Bat's Immense Wingt Bats have such lnif;e vvinp ln portion co their bodies thm equal them, would have to rle-vi'lt'P foot-long lingers with weblil"'S twpon. I'opnlnr Science MntlilJ Custom in Dress Custom Is what makes It 80 proper for a man to appear In puny with his suspenders eliowlns a-i perfectly proper for his wife W nronnd with her garters vlslWe the sun. Impression Not Lasting At a movie, mother, who did not up prove of the picture which was beinv shown, said to father: "Let's go now I don't want Margie to see any more of this picture." Margie, overheai-ing her mother promptly remarked: "Never mind' mother, it doesn't hurt me. I let it ro In one eye and out the ot her." Tiil-dren, Tiil-dren, the Magazine for Parents. |