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Show City I County Commisioners Co-operate in Road Building Early this spring the city Fathers purchased a road grader, and since that time it has been kept busy. Last season the county commissioners straightened and put in shape the road from the mouth of American Fork canyon to the R. D. Wadley home. The dugway at the canyon entrance en-trance has been malde an easier grade and other repairs have been made. The county commissioners and City Fathers together have recently re-cently completed this road grading and graveling, so that it is now a very fine road, from the State highway high-way to the mouth of American Fork canyon. The street from the state highway to the tabernacle and . tabernacle groun'ds has been graded and graveled. gravel-ed. It was one of the most needed improvements in the city. Previous to Strawberry Day the road from the high school to the ball park was graded and gravelled making mak-ing it much better for the Strawberry Day visitors. The north drive of the cemetery has been straightened, gra'ded and gravelled from the east to the west side. The center drive Is being gravelled at the present time. Other streets will come Is for their share of the improvement. Good roads show a progressive community and a live city administration. |