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Show City-Irrigation Officials Discuss Water Problems With the object of discussing certain cer-tain matters of mutual interest to ;he city of American Fork and the : American Fork Irrigation Company, ;he entire board of the company with their secretary met with the mayor and members of the city council in the city hall at a special meeting Last Saturday night. Chairman Nate Robinson of the water company reported the agreement agree-ment covering the exchange of water wa-ter for culinary purposes for the city had been lost and asked that the agreement held by the city be read for the benefit of the Board. This was done and various questions ques-tions followed. The changing and repairing of certain gates in the water system as per the agreement was called to the council's attention. The flum-ing flum-ing of the East Bench ditch across , the old creek bed was motioned .and the council decided this could be handled by the city as a CWA project pro-ject provided the water company would purchase the pipe and the city furnish the labor through this agency. It was suggested the company com-pany supply the maps and details, and the city would make application applica-tion for this project, providing the desired information was in the city recorder's hands by Wednesday. Charles B. Walker met with the council upon invitation of Mayor William S. Storrs. Mr. Walker stated stat-ed that in conformity with the national na-tional Boy Scout Week commencing February 11th, the local scout officials offi-cials had made preparations for a proper observation of the anniversary anniver-sary of the founding of the boy scout movement. On Saturday, February Feb-ruary 9th, Mr. Walker reported, the boy scouts of the city will be called call-ed together in the high school and hear a radio address by the president presi-dent of this country. He further stated that in keeping with a suggestion sugges-tion of the president, it was the local committee's intent to assign leach of . the troops here some civic I work to do during anniversary wee'k. j Mayor Storrs was asked to 'give a j short talk to the boys and to deliver to each troop their assignment in a ; sealed package. The support of the city officials was asked by Mr. Walker Walk-er that dignity may attend the as- ; signments. The council expressed willingness to lend every support ' possible to this movement. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS I OF THREE STAKES TO J HOLD CONVENTION , I All Sunday Schol workers of the' Alpine, Lehi and Timpanogos stakes j are expected 'to attend the tri-; stake Sunday School convention, here in the tabernacle next Sun-j day. The convention will not in-, terfere with the regular Sunday School exercises in the wards of the stakes however as arrangements have been made to care for all departments de-partments as usual. The meetings are scheduled forj 10:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. with a short session preceding the morning meeting meet-ing for members of the stake presidency presi-dency high council and stake boards only. " A group of General Board members are expected to be present 'and take charge of the discussions 'in the various departments. I . rv- GILCHRIST-FORBES MARRIAGE , ( Saturday morning in the Salt Lake j temple the marriage of Miss Ruth Charlotte Gilchrist, daughter of Dr. . and Mrs. H. Franklin Madsen of Provo, and A Forbes Foster, son of Mrs. Emma Foster of this, city, was soleminized. The ceremony was per-1 per-1 formed at 10:30 a. m. Dr. and Mrs.' 'Madsen, Mrs. Foster and several, 1 other close relatives accompanied 'the young couple through the tem-'ple. tem-'ple. I Following the ceremony the parents par-ents of the bride gave a wedding 1 breakfast in Salt Lake. I Mrs. Foster is a talented pianist j and violinist. She was a student in , ithe Provo and B. Y. U. training j ! schools and is a graduate of the 'Wasatch academy of Mt. Pleasant. ! She later attended the B. Y. U. and is a member of the O. S. social unit. Mr. Foster, also a former student of the B. Y. U., is a member of ' the Delta Phi and Alpha Kappa Psi i fraternities, has fulfilled a mission I in France and now is employed in 'the office of the state tax commis-'sion commis-'sion in the capital building, Salt Lake. |