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Show Negotiations Still Under Way On Canyon Water Negotiations between American Fork City ami the Utah Power &. Light ;omiwny over the water in American Airk canyon are still underway. The '.otter below was received yesterday '; the city and is construed to mean hat there is a possibility of an agrce- nent being reached. I However, the necessity o getting i this matter .settled and definite word to the. state 13 very essential Cor the definite location of the state school here and details worked out so work can start ar soon as spring opens. An engineer, J. Z. Richards, is working work-ing on the matter for the city and has been in touch with power company I ollicials. Something definite should be had this coming week. j UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Salt Lake City 1 Salt Lake City, Utah, February 6, 1930. Hon. Roy Greenwood, Mayor, American Fork, Utah. Dear Sir: j Enclosed you will please find copy of letter of even date addressed to Mr. Roy D. Thatcher. This letter answers an inquiry received .from Mr. Thatcher, and I believe covers the result of our negotiations with you down to date. We trust that you realize the necessity of protecting the investment in 'our Lower American Fork plant through the reimbursement which is proposed in our offer to you. This reimbursement is solely for the purpose of restoring restor-ing the value of the capacity lost in the plant and the cost of .substituting other kilowatt-hours for those which would be generated the plant i the proposed diversion of water in excess of the one second foot was not made. Actually the water is of greater value to us than the amount asked for the reimbursement. The amount of this reimbursement will not prove burden, koine in view of the relatively small amount of water which will now be Ieouired in excess of the one second foot allowed free; and when larger mounts up to the three second feet are required, the growth of the com-mnity com-mnity will have been such as to make the spread quite wide and the average jost to the citizens quite insignificant. j As we advised you at our meeting a few days ago we expect to rebuild -he pipe line supplying the plant this year. This job was originally scheduled io be done two years ago, but the necessity of other work prevented our jioing it at that time, and the output of the plant being much needed last fear, the work had to be again postponed until other surces of power could be provided, which was done during 1929 by additional capacity in our Jordan steam plant. ! Yours truly, j Signed C. M. Gadsby Pres. and G. M. |