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Show 1 ATTENTION! 1 Water Users, Home Seekers H and Investors S We have for sale City and farm property, U ranch lands and various water stocks. P For information call at Bank of American Fork 1 CONSOLIDATED HOLDING CO. MATTRESS REMAKING Old Mattresses Made New Have your old Mattress Renovated, Reno-vated, cleaned and re-covered wltn a new tick for only $4.50; or converted into a Spring FW. We also make those Feather Mattresses and Pillows. One Day Service OVERMAN MATTRESS CO. Telephone Orders to 90-W, Lehl WANT ADS -oTtFsnd" modern apartment. Mrs. Annie Greene, American Fork. 12-18-ti. Baby CHICKS Ohlens for 20 years equal to the best 8 c. R. L. Ashby. 2'jL'Jf-For 2'jL'Jf-For Sale 5 acres good farm land, choice building lots. Inquire Mrs. Bert Faddis, 464 North 4th West, American Fork. 1-1-tf. For Sale 4 acre truck garden farm. A. K. Thornton & Sons Co., Pleasant Grove. 2-26-37 For Sale Two practically new 4.50x21, 6-ply tires. Inquire Ed. Paxman, American Fork. 2-26-ltp. For Sale-Modern home, 1 acre building lot, 10 acre farm and 2 acre pasture. Viola West, Pleasant Grove. 2-26-lt. Two room apartment with use of bathroom and closet, for rent. Inquire In-quire H. M. Nelson, Pleasant Grove. Phone 38-J. 2-26-ltp. For Sale Young, fresh Jersey Milch cows. Also first class work horse. Harold Chipman, American Fork. 2-26-tf. Houses, Lots and Farms for sale. Henry Johnson, Licensed Real Estate Broker. 1 3-5-tf . For sale 125 Leghorn Pullets, 8 months old, laying 60, 40c. Mur-ray Mur-ray Murdock, 515 E. 1st N. St., Am.1 Fork. 3-5-P' For Sale Chemie and Fiber Flower materials Free demonstrations demonstra-tions to groupsContact Mrs. Sara J. Roylance, 469 No. 6th W., Provo. Tel. 144-W. 3-5-ltp. ATTENTION POULTRYMEN Increase your 1937 egg prorits with Sales & Bourke Triple-Bred Chicks Breeding flocks free ranged and 100 blood tested. Bred for Llva-bility Llva-bility Egg quantity Egg quality. Also quality Mammoth Bronze Turkey Tur-key poults Sales & Bourke, Inc., Petaluma, Calif. REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTA-TIVE T CONTA Inquire at Citizen Office. ll-18-20tp. For Sale Bailed Alfalfa and Wild Hay. Gustave Schmidt, Utah Lake Resort Farm, American Fork. 2-5-2tp. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1926 Model T ton truck Will accept farm tools or horse. R. C. Logsdon, Lehi. Telephone 24-J. 2-ll-2tp. For Sale Ton Ford V-8 Tni 1936 model. Call 15-j PI Grove, or see Mrs. Dewey Adams FOUND License "pUteTV 126-451. Owner may have sitae b-paying b-paying for this ad. Call at Th' Lehi Sun Office, Main St. uta WANTED: Livestock oFalUta, Call in or write Powell's service su tion, Lehi; or call 90-W, Lehi. li-io-:: STEADY WORK GOODPaF RELIABLE MAN WANTED k call on farmers. Make up to $12 day. Write McNESS Co., Dept. ' : Freeport, Illinois. 2-26-lt-i WANTED Clean cut man i, Watkins district. Close by; ; paid $18 clear weekly for past tb- ; years. ' No capital needed. See i C. Brems, local dealer, for applfe ; tion. Phone 86-W for appointm;;' 2-25 ;-. i FOR SALE Baled Hay. inCf. Nicholine Powell, Lehi. 2-.- ', prr ...Tjijn f,w -J" . "' 1 "" '" J "' 1 11 I I 11 I 1 1 II in nn J 1 ATTENTION!! I j We Will Call For and Pay Cash, as High as S10 per head ; For Dead or Useless Horses and Cows I Utah "Hide and Tallow Co. I s We Also Buy Dead Sheep and Hogs. Phone Us Immediately for Prompt Service p Phones: One Mile West of ; 'J "j Spanish Fork 88 Enterprise 30 Sugar Factory ; 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES, SHEEP PELTS, WOOL, RAW FUKS : j GEO. PRICE, Manager 7 Penney's Extra Quality Adds Nothing to the Price! Penney's is not in business for today only. We expect to be the favored shopping place of your children, their children and their children's children. That's Why Penney's emphasizes QUALITY as the test of "Value." That's Why Penney's is more determined than ever to quote low prices without sacrifice of quality. That's Why Penney's will be serving the nation with HONEST VALUES long after "price-shouting" competition competi-tion has disappeared! . , Fabric Gloves - - - 49c Imported Leathers - SI. 89 Ladies' Millinery penned j 16 dozen smart new styles ilOSiery just arrived And what Is Supreme I VALUES! New sPring Shades I for only 98c 49c to SL19 Penney Co. will bring to you America's biggest -T"-rs J Values in Vw- Z-is I Ready-to-Wear till f-C for only S2.98 j) t , : 46 New Dresses 1 ' ' ; Just Arrived L ? ,Krl LADIES' Mmkli iiitc New and Di$erent! and Coats aSABA The Season's Smartest For LS' in wearing apparel, and Easier! at a price that only huge The ,atest &ly the avored buying power can bring coors cf the seaSon! Amaz-to Amaz-to you. ingly well made and sturdy for so little money! 'Most all kinds k8 QO - $1 0 QO of simulated leathers includin-; VO.JV DJAWV PATENT LEATHER! MM Standard Coal j More heat for yourSSS&ccc HINES & CO. AGENTS PHONE AMERICAN FORK 33 . ' ' ::- 'Fjm 'P4 Wis -zu M,rbr if 0i "V l I OU folks keep me pretty busy doing all sorts of Y V jobs in your homes, stores and factories but I'm happy V?i st to say I still find time to join in with ether public-spirited S'l ; citizens in the many activities fostering the general V 3 public welfare. ; i .- ..I.... ..... . tv yr Just as an example: the company I represent put me i V ( ) i'V to work supplying $10,000 worth cf free electricity for I r 15 j ! Christmas lighting cf business districts during tv.o recent V V- f J : holidays. I got a real kick cut of doing that, jast as I enjoy cooperating in all other constructive community movements. x "You'll find, too, that many individual employes cf , jr.y company contribute a liberal amount cf their time, (frwfw1 I 1 money and talent wholeheartedly to the upbuilding of IvVB i ,hei:,crm;nife-,. siMiw I try always to live up to my first name REDDY. $Ptit4- 1 Ready always to work in every possible way for the wel, 'MSMMr7 fare of the communities I serve." ''IXlwll1'-?' Sincerely, h REDDY KILOWATT. UTAH POWER I LIGHT C0 N |