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Show ing it daily. At Circleville and as far north as Gunnison the farmers are busy in their fields. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Healey, George Hutchison, George and Adin Brown were among those attending the funeral services of Walter Adamson at American Fork Tuesday. n Alpine News Mrs. Leonard Bates, Reporter Mr. and Mrs. Loy Beck entertained entertain-ed at dinner Sunday for Mrs. Benjamin Ben-jamin Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bates and children and Mrs. Made-lene Made-lene Wilkin and children. Mark Bennett is home nursing a broken arm which he received at Mr. and Mrs. Peter Concer announce an-nounce the -arrival of a baby girl, born on February 27th. The members of the cast cf the Fourth ward budget play enjoyed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Abel Monday night. A c!e-lecious c!e-lecious dinner was served. The remainder re-mainder of the evening was spent in playing games. The members of the Sunday School Stake board and their partners held a party at Abel's Monday night. A delicious dinner was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in playing games. The following fol-lowing members were present: Mr. and Mrs. Vera Holindrake, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Monson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Mr and Mrs. Delbert Chip-man, Chip-man, Wayne Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Chipman, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gunther. o Murcur, where he has been working. work-ing. Mrs. A. J. Devey, who underwent ar operation for goitre Tuesday of Itst week is reported doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bates, Ben, and Iris Bates, spent several days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grant at Circleville. While there they motored to Bryces canyon, accompanied ac-companied by Mrs. Grant and little lit-tle daughter. The snow is about four feet deep but the roads and trails were well scraped and the weather was warm and pleasant. People who had visited it before said It was most beautiful in the snow. Quite a number of people are visit- i |