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Show riTstirrings of Springl (j 1263 Pattern 1958 (above right) j available in sizes 14 to 20 (32 to J, bust). Size 16 requires 2 yaij , for the blouse in 39 inch materi and 2 yards of 54 inch mater:; I;,.; for the skirt. New Pattern Book. " Send for the Barbara E-: ' Spring and Summer Patte: .- Book. Make yourself attractiv- Impractical Im-practical and becoming clothe selecting designs from the 2: :. bara Bell well-planned, easy-: '.zz make patterns. Interesting z - -." exclusive fashions for little d - -dren and the difficult junior a;; slenderizing, well-cuv patterns : - the mature figure; aftern:-: dresses for the most particii young women and matrons a '..Z other patterns for special .'.'.'. sions are all to be found in t Barbara Bell Pattern Book. Se: 15 cents today for your copy. o: Send your order to The Sot: ;:-Circle ;:-Circle Pattern Dept., 149 Montgomery Ave., San Frar.:: co, Calif. Price of patterns, 1 cents (in coins) each. Bell Syndicate. WNU Servict. THE chic young miss above, center, cen-ter, says, "I make my own clothes. I learned sewing from Mother first, got a touch of it in school, and a real exposure in 4-H activities. I choose this dress for Spring because it looks like Spring, and because it takes the minimum of time and money. Puff sleeves and princess lines give a formal note if I wish to impress the folks (which I often do) and the peplum jacket is added for frivolous reasons when I want to feel a bit sophisticated, and it makes a sweet all -occasion dress." A Practical Choice. The Lady on the Left says, "I'm practical. I choose patterns that I can cut twice; then I have a gingham gown to set me off in my kitchen and an afternoon dress in which to entertain the Maggie-Jiggs Maggie-Jiggs club. The all-of-a-piece yoke and sleeves make me look years younger, the shirred pockets give the decorative note every "dress needs, and I can run it up in an afternoon." Three-Purpose Pattern. The Girl in the Oval has a faraway far-away look in her eyes. She says it's because she wears glamorous blouses like this one. She cuts her pattern three times no less and evolves a blouse in eggshell for her velvet skirt; one in velveteen for her tweeds, and the third in metallic cloth for after-five activities. activi-ties. "The skirt with its simple well directed lines is equally well suited to tweeds for sport, velvet for dress and wool for business," says Madam. The Patterns. Pattern 1832 (above left) comes in sizes 32 to 44. Size 34 requires 4 yards of 39 inch material. Pattern 1263 (above center) is designed in sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 40 bust). Size 14 requires 4 yards of 39 inch material for the dress and 24 yards for the jacket to line it requires 25A yards of 35 inch material. k 1 Tjg" with ': :n KEROSENE S -i, 5 Cenia : MMasJpjL AIR-PRESSUf JL.,-c-i-: l , I,, f i Protect your Bis! f , this eye-Bavlnff C-' 'v' llffhti Kerosene md Gasoline Pressor s L&mpa provide a hish candlepower ' light. .. nearest like natural day lifibt" CY-toyooreyea. CY-toyooreyea. -Ov-' You can enjoy the finest light for' ' night. No home can ailord to be w- Coleman. Buy it from yonr loeal C" - .Nx dealer. FREE foldere Send Poattr THE COT.EMAN tAKfP AND STOI'. Dept. WU17J. Wichita, KanMChlof OK Philadelphia, Piu) Lo Angel m, U .. ,v |