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Show Mr. and Mrs- Frank Leavitt of Roosevelt, were Saturday visitors at the home of Mrs. Leavitt's mother, Mrs. Mabel Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ellison and family motored to Provo Sunday, and spent the day with Mr. Ellison's brother and wife, Mr. arid Mrs. J. W-Ellison. W-Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rasband of Heber, announce the arrival of a fine baby boy born Sunday, September Septem-ber 27. Mrs. Rasband was formerly Miss Berdie Bate of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tregaskis and baby visited in Dividend Sunday, guests at the homie of Mr. and Mrs. James McMahn. Mrs. Kenneth Foster returned to her home in Binghaml Canyon last Friday, after a week's visit here with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Emma Foster. Fos-ter. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Zabriskie, Miss Olive Zabriskie and Mr. and Mrs M'orley Zabriskie and family motored to Draper last Thursday, where they visiteVl With Mr. and Mrs. Merril Hand and family. Another social event of interest to those of this vicinity is the engage, ment and forth coming marriage announcement an-nouncement of Miss Donna Durrant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Durrant Dur-rant of Provo, and W. A. Sorensen of Logan. The marriage is to take 'place next Thursday, October 10, In the Salt Lake temple. A wedding breakfast will follow at the Durrant residence in Provo, immediately after which the young people will leave for a month's honeymoon trip to Bryce and Grand canyons and California. Miss Durrant will be remembered re-membered as the English instructor at the American Fork High School last year. |