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Show Mrs. Ann Raymond spent ihe week end in the capitol city visiting friends and relatives. j j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shatter and , three sons of Bingham Canyon, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mina Hi after. j i Mr. and Mrs. Myron Boley o Price, j visited the week-end in American ; j Fork with Mr. Boley's mother, Mrs-, E. H. Boley. j f. Mrs Melissa Boley spent several j davs in Salt Uike City this week , visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harlow E Jones. I j The Ladies Literary Association 1 will hold their monthly meeting nest Thursday afternoon, October 10, at Lhe home of Mrs. J. L. Firmage. Mrs. William Chipman will be assisting hostess. All members are invited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pratt and babies ba-bies of Murray, visited the week-end with Mr. Trait's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L Pratt. Misses Doris Cunningham and Mildred Dunkley attended a meet-, ing of the Lambda Tau club in Provo j Monday evening at the home of the Misses Agnes and Margaretta Farrer. I Chinese bridge was the feature o the 1 evening's entertainment, followed by a dainty .luncheon. Flowers, favors and talleys all carried out the Chinese theme. The Relief Society of the Fourth Ward held their opening meeting for the winter season Tuesday afternoon in the form of a program and social at their ward chapel. Mrs. Detta Fay Taylor and Mrs. Lyle Grant sang a vocal duet, Mrs. Pearl Loveless Love-less gave a reading, Mrs. Nan Wright and Mrs. Helen "Walker sang a vocal duet, Martha Leonhart furnished a piano selection an'd Mrs. Laura Timp-son Timp-son and Miss Ann Chipman gave a one-siot play "Dumb As A Door Knob". Following the program, re-t re-t freshments were served to fifty mem-, mem-, bers. I o American Fork Locals . M'r. and Mrs. K. II. Devey combined biisiiiRHS and pleasure in Salt Lake City on Monday-Mrs. Monday-Mrs. Irving L. Pratt visited with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, on Provo Bench Monday. Mon-day. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosell and two children of Salt Lake City, visited Sunday in American Fork with Mrs. E. IT. Eoley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thirot of Salt Lake City, wore Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devey, Sr. Chief and Mrs. Irving L. Pratt attended at-tended the regular meeting and luncheon of the Veteran Volunteer Fircmens association at Firemen's association at Firemen's Hall on Canyon road in Salt Lake Wednesday evening. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chipman, whu are at Ferron, Emery county, that they are enjoying living there very much. Mr. Chipman, who Is principal of the Ferron schools, reports that he is very interested in his work and enjoying en-joying it Immensely. Mr. and Mrs. Wr. H. Preston and son, Merrill, were business visitors in the capitol city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wilson of Park Cily, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Rose TI. Grant. Know that you are getting the correct floral designs and best flowers. Humphries. Hum-phries. The Florkts. adv. M. W. Davern of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Pennsyl-vania, and Junior Thomas of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, are visiting indefinitely in-definitely in this city with Mr. Dav-ern's Dav-ern's sister, Mrs. Jame Chipman. Mrs- A. B. Allen entertained Monday Mon-day afternoon in compliment to her little daughter, Beth Ann, who was celebrating her sixth birthday . anniversary- Games were enjoyed by fourteen small guests, followed by dainty refreshments, of which a big birthday cake was the main feature. Mrs. James Chipman, Miss Nan Chipman, Miss Edna Fay Firmage and M. W. Davern, Mrs. Chipman's ; brother who Is here froml Pittsburg, i Pennsylvania for an Indefinite visit, , went to Salt Lake City Thursday, i where Miss Nan Chipman was enter-i enter-i tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rosebraugh, the occasion being her ninth birthday. |