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Show ALERT program is critical to schools By KALYN SECRETAN The proposed Governor's Alert program is a critical issue, reported Dr. Harold Jacklin, at the November PTA Council meeting held Nov. 6 at the Pleasant Grove 1 Jr. High. He encouraged parents and teachers to get in touch with the legislature. Call or write them and invite them to your meetings. Recently Superintendent Cox, along with school board representatives, David Harvey and Dr. .Richard Sudweeks traveled to Salt Lake City to meet with the Governor. They were not able to meet with Gov. Bangerter but met with his assistant. The meeting did not go well, their minds are made up, he said. The only change we have is to work with the legislature who approve the Governors package. The Governors Alert program calls for simplification; reductions in the budget, flexibility; more local control and reform; cutting administrative ad-ministrative costs and more efficient ef-ficient use of school buildings. Connie Lamoreaux and Eva Ercanbrack attended the Legislative Conference at the State Capital where they sat in the chambers and heard the Governors address. The tax reform is a critical issue. The State PTA's position calls for fully funded kindergarten, transportation tran-sportation and school lunch funds. They encourage everyone to write to the Governor, with more people over 65 than teen-agers, we find 70 percent of the population has no children in school. Children and schools are suffering. On Nov. 20, a regional m eeting will be held at the PG Jr. High dealing with the Governors Alert program. Mrs. Chase Peterson will give a presentation. The meeting is open to anyone and will be held from 9: 30 to 11:30 a.m. |