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Show Sl Citizen, Press, Review, Wed., Oct. 16, 1985 -- Page 11 1 fCAIKOLYN'S tju idies ii 'Gnieiqs Special A FULL SERVICE SALON WHERE QUALITY COUNTS oSolarnails ,$2D.C3 Full set, Reg. $27.50 Electrolysis 2C CE?? Permanent Hair Removal Perms SD.CO 2 for 1 - Bring a Friend! MakeOver BD.CO Facial Design, etc. - 2 for 1 - Bring a friend! Wolff Suntan .... CO 10 visits for $20 or $2.50 each Special prices valid until Nov. 30, 1985 Reserve your appointment now while offer lasts! 140 S. Main. Suite 3. PI. Grove 785-517- 2 JJ S Now Showing ( I ggrl Deer Hunt Special "npfS" Don't left out in the cold! ' TOlNDIA TWO DAYS ONLY Oct. 16 J9 imm$ ; Friday, Oct. 18th UVjl :) Monday, Oct. 21st Kj Jmadeus .Passage to India Rent 1st mwi for $3; 2nd movie for $2; 3rd movie for just $1 Mrs. Soffel 'Slugger's Wife -- LL AMERICAN FORK LEHI PLEASANT GROVE 648 E. State Road 197 East State 397 South Main 756-515- 6 768-808- 8 785-019- 9 r ( v life )k Mil 161 lairt WhenJw Hunters Widows Sale 3. y Ij 1)2 P VOUr We're having a special sale for all the widows of the ' k f- v? 7 . ,.sJrI' o hunters and there are bargains for every need. Check j Vt"' S our sales Oct. 16-2- 2 during our Hunters Widows Sale at ' n Ueer... Deseret Industries in American Fork. : sKr (7 Come On in Ladies Shoes Ladies Dresses K llSi J and we'll , y0ff f o, rv .fsv i Ladies Blouses Winter Coats ?fjf bag you a v o off ftt&i. i r I Ladies Pants Home ureaiLuncn- Furnishings - 4,iS V4 oh v off Our Best Work is Your Best Buy PARKER'S 496 E Ste Qj!ustlies . American Fork " DHllfE-l- s J 75S 2181 53 H. Merchant St. - American rork.. - 1 Omtrjt MmMb n Mertty wpmed jMtmtf taop. Ih cliwtl llwx tain in Lee Parker - Owner ir.Mntwei.td-riMmMiitdpai- v. v J L J r?: : 1 IYiy Right Here in Am. Fork ITj For Your Furniture Needs! 0 Fp everything! 30 days FREE interest with in-sto- re financing. Choose your own fabric and styles by special ordering from our huge variety of national brands i9v cior u-fT-ni 2Q99 Hotpoint 1 sir u - i n 266 W. Main, American Fork 756-496- 1 v J (VALUABLE COUPON October Special Perm '20 (Cut & style not included, long hair extra) . Frost 522 ;--v ' 4i (Long hair extra) iC-- - I Ear Piercing $S L i Save this coupon for Halloween i Temporary rrG I Spray-O-n UJ I Hair Color with coupon. $1 without. 1 ) ExPires I --J 1 1--I"J 1 L JJ 111585 " PAmerican Fork Shopping Center (next to Fred Meyer) 756-801- 4 J iItVi Paint & SAVE while ' WeI Pr6 hubby's hunting with these JpJShop top-of-the-Ii- Fuller O'Brien paints. fullerglo i;TrTV' 'JQUtD-L- n Reg. 20.76 Reg. 20.02 Reg. 21.69 53 E. Main icTcSoo American Fork 755-528- 2 J i (VALUABLE COUPONwww j ITDue TTotg 0 0DCs i Perm & Cut $ n (5 B IfiCtfy Long hair slightly higher flrltii Blow style $5 extra g Sculptured Nails J20 3 I I This special valid with coupon only Expires Oct. 23, 1985. ! 69 East Main American Fork, Utah 84003 (801)756 3707 . Women Only Deer Hunter Widows J5 All Dresses W and m Sportsivoar f two days only "''s Fri. & Sat. October 18th & 19th??' i i. - i l ";0 Crn American Fork - Pleasant Grove V f I kcpliiniiancl losing I' Iliescmc20)oun(ls. ( 'H. ThcnlsakUhislimc lAf 'i Ksoiitobcdiricix'nl. If 1 - . ii icd cci' pill. CM'n yiiiimU k X I 7 lo los- vcihl. nl In led 1 misiTJililewlii'ii fi.iincd il f nil li.u k. I'in;ill snid nn. '' ' iicci';iaiii-islii',l- 'ii Hoiiifilo Did Ci'iilcr. lost L - ihccilil.iiliiiiil j H, ' V " liunT. nd ni keeping k , A f o- AX M oiiK rrrd'.' Ll.' ,U fioiiis r! a Viiu'rc soliiR I" m:ik- il this time. i I 5 Off on a fi American Fork Plnt Crm week preg.am 201W Main mo s. Ma.n J Uust mention this ad) Harris Financial Building City Plaza No. 5 7 IJ'iHe getting a week free! 7M229 ? Oct jXQK 10 am- - 19 6 Pm yOU wU ope tfvc fiTTLECREEJC BOUTIQUE Jor Jlnc Fvarwfcrajted gljts, country cottcctiBCes, pUXoivs, quilts, att, Fiotulay ttecorevtions ancC tnucFv mucfi mors ! PCeasant Grope Door Prizes Community Center remission 41ast 200 SoutK 25 cents |