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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1974 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1974 Funeral Rites for Myrtle W. Rushton Held Wednesday Funeral services were held Wednesday at 11 a.m. for Myrtle Walker Rushton, 84, who died Sunday after a long illness at the home of a daugh-ter in West Mountain. Services were conducted by Bishop Lyle V. Thacker of the Pleasant Grove Second Ward. Speakers at the services were Wesley Jense and Morgan Taylor, and Bishop Thacker al-so gave remarks. Vocal numbers were given by Charles Pope, a duet by Viola Beers and Hazel Bullock, and a duet by Aaron Walker and Charles Pope, all accom-panied by Catherine Rees. Prayers were offered by Floyd Nelson, Reed O. Walker, and Frank Walker, and the ded-ication of the grave in the PL Grove City Cemetery was giv-en by George Adams. Pallbearers were Reed Bair, Steven Losh, Clyde Holm, Kay Tanner, Lewis Stewart, Ray Rothe. Mrs. Rushton was born May 27, 1890 in Pleasant Grove to William H. and Sara Ella Chris-tense- n Walker. She married Al-bert Ver Rushton on Sept. 30, 1914 in Salt Lake City. He died June 7, 1954. She was a member of the LDS Church, living in the Sec-ond Ward. Survivors include two daugh-ter, Mrs. Mitchell (Helen) Stewart, West Mountain and Mrs. Dorothy Losh, Pleasant Grove; eight grandchildren, 24 three bro-thers, Aaron Walker, Provo and Reed and Frank Walker, Pleas-ant Grove. CHOICE TOP SOIL Free of Dandelions & Morning Glory FILL DIRT and SAND ALL TYPES OF SLAG Excavating and General Building N&N DEVELOPMENT, INC. GENE NELSON 390 North Main - Ph. 785-216- 5 Evenings or 756-206- 7 During the Day I 1 ; ... 1 STAR KIST TUNA WEIGHT WATCHERS DRINKS 5 s89 ICE CREAM, 5 Qt. Pail $2.55 BREAD, lb. White or wheat 3:95' GoUen APPLE Values CIDER $149 gal. LARGE EGGS, dozen for . . 65 MOUNTAIRE FRANKS, 12 oz. 69' SLICED BOLOGNA, lb 59' Ground BEEF 69 lb. FRYERS, Whole, lb "47 CUT UP FRYERS, lb 49 END PORK CHOPS, lb $1.09 Reailnt Grove 705 --340O TUESDAY NIGHT IS LADIES NIGHT Now Playing - Runs to Thursday, October 31 The grandest musical of them all! LUCY i3F Coming Next Week - Start Friday, November 1 f Where mere you in '62? LUCAS FILM LTD COPPOLA CO Ploduclion UHHERSAl PICTURE TtCHNICOLOB Find Out Where You Can Register If You Need to and Get Out and iTT"v"' f "'?MSv PNw :.i ...k im tm -- BUNt KUA5T, lb 79 oon MILK COTTAGE CHEESE, Hiland 1 lb. 59' WHOLE MILK, Vi ga. 69 SHORTENING, Bokerite 3 lb. $1.63 Dr. Pepper ag 6;ACK . plus dep. a.C. COLA, cans case for .... $3.89 POTATO CHIPS, 14 oz 79 CHOCOLATES, McDonalds 3 lb.2.98 LOOSE RtD POTAT0IS 9 lb. PAMEGRANATES, each "' 10' BROCCOLI, lb 39 APPLES, Crisp Jonathans lb. .. 29' IDEAL MARKET 43 So. Main Pleasant Grove " "'ZZZIZ --y.-v" ;- - iftNA"'' j :-r- hi, A k mm ll MiMM. inrJTfl K - " - T r- - Phone 785-203- 1 - Highway 91 - Lindon, Utah TUNA, Van Kmps Light 39 CAKE MIXz White Duncan Hines 62$ I vvesrern ORANGE ramily JUICE, Frozen 12 oz 39 HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS TRICK OR TREAT CANDY Visit our Gift Shop and Lay-awa- y Those Christmas Presents Now! Open 7-1- 0, 7 Days a Week ramily man, understands all age groups. Wife, Wanda, son Dennis and wife Kristine, daughter, Mrs. Vee Sanford (Peggy), daughter Mrs. Phil Bar-ney (Patricia), daughters Brenda and Linda, grandchildren Michelle, Amy and Jeffrey. High Counselor, Palmyra LDS Stake, Member Provo Elks' Lodge, Member Utah County Jeep Patrol, Graduate of Nat'l Sheriff's Institute, Graduate Texas A&M Polygraph School, Graduate Wiche Correctional Management" School, 180 College credit hours at BYU and Weber State in Police Science and related sublets. Member of Governor's Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, Ch'man Utah State Correctional Officers Training Council Utah County law enforcement is in good hands. Check the published FBI reports for comparison statistics. Utah County Sheriff's deputies have be-come highly efficient through specialized training, college level schooling. KEEP A GOOD ADMINISTRATOR Elect . . . MACEC IKlOfLLIHY UTAH COUNTY SHERIFF Paid Political Adv. by Jay Harmer and David Radmall 3lm and Lpes Sieve's MEATS mm tAMY 399 East State American Fork 399 East State American Fork Lynn Smith and Jim Sorenien Owners Steve Johnson Owner Mgr. T-BO-NE STEAK $P R.C. COLA 12 oz cans 6 Pak 89 SIRLOIN STEAK lb. ........ $139 TOMATO SOUP, Campbells 6?99 BONELESS RIB STEAK, lb. $139 CAI(E MIXES, Duncan Hines 3?$2 ROUND STEAK, lb $129 Except COFFEE, Forger's 3 lb. Reg. .. $2" GROUND BEEF, lb 79 G.E. LfGHT BULBS, soft white25 SLICED BOLOGNA lb 60 Watt' 75 WatM 00 Watt i .jl D'SH SP " MIXED LUNCH MEAt L SMOKED HAM SHANK lb. 69' FaS S"T 0esh PrduCe ic rrices i : ' !..;:.. ' ' I j ' ' ' : ' I"? ' v 1 i f i - - ':, ...... H j ; I - ' i ' : s ' ' i, s tj j - ' ,r ' . " v . ' , t's . "A i ) .' ' 1 J"""!: i ' '! ? M YOUNG AMERICANS Harold Walker, Holly Jense, Gary Macfarlane, Holly Hicks, and Doug Barton are competing on TV show "Young Americans." They beat Orem Young Americans Win on TV Quiz Pleasant Grove High School is well represented by its cur-rent Young American team. In their first game PGHS defeated Orem High School in a very close contest. The final score was 145-11- 5 for Pleasant Grove Young Americans is sponsor-ed by KSL-T- Teams from schools around the sate com-pete against each other. Ques-tions are taken from all class-es taught in high school curri-culum. Team members are chosen by their academic excellence and their all-rou- knowledge of various subjects. PGHS Young Americans are Doug Barton, son of Norman and LuDene Barton, Harold Walker, son of Stan and Lorna Walker, Holly Jense, daughter of Gary and Sara Jense; Holly Hicks, daughter of Robert and Coral Hicks; Gary Macfarlane, son of Jay and Delna Macfar-lane. The team is coached by Jeri Craner. Funeral Services Held Wednesday For Buck Nielsen Funeral services for Buck Nielsen, 38, of Pleasant Grove, were held Wednesday, at 1 p. m. in the Timpanogos Stake House, under the direction of Bishop Kenneth Slater of the Fourth Ward. Mr. Nielsen died last Friday in Lyman, Wyo. Speakers at the services were Dallen Beck, and Bishop Doug-las Nielsen. Remarks were also given by Bishop Slater and a life sketch by Joan Beck. Musical numbers were two vo-cal duets by Hazel Bullock and Viola Beers, accompanied by Rosalie Jacklin. Prayers were offered by George Nielsen, Rodger Hardy, and Eldon Davis, and the grave was dedicated in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery by George Nielsen. Pallbearers were Wayne Ad-ams, Dick Cook, Carl Thomp-son, Gary Varney, Dennis Tol-to- n and Lou Crosgrove. Buck Nielsen was born May 2, 1936 in Pleasant Grove to Nello H. and Alice Carlson Nielsen. He married Nan Smith on July 21, I960 in Provo. He was an iron worker in Lyman, Wyoming at the time of his death. He had been in the U.S. Air Force. He was a member of the LDS Church and of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Survivors include his widow, one daughter, Becky Lynn Niel-sen, Pleasant Grove, two step-daughters and one stepson, Al-len Jackson, Pleasant Grove, Mrs. David (Gena) Turpin, of Brighton, Colo, and Mrs. By-ron (Gloria) Carlson, Lehi; three grandchildren; his father Pleasant Grove, two brothers and one sister, Niels Nielsen, Gunnison; Parley Nielsen and Mrs. Dallin (Jean) Beck, both of Pleasant Grove. Immunization (Continued from page 1) 1 year after series is completed at 4-- 6 years of age. TD (Tetanus, Diptheria) For those over 6 years of age, ser-ies, only if DTP series has not been given. Boosters, at 10 yr. intervals or at time of injury. Polio: begin after 2 months of age, series, 2 doses, 2 months apart, Boosters, 1 year after series is completed prior to school entry. |