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Show Obtain A Position After graduating grad-uating from High School Mr. Beck, a son of Mr. and Mrs.Wes-ley Mrs.Wes-ley A. Beck, of Pie asant Grove, regis-tered regis-tered for t r a ining at Henager Business Bus-iness College, If fc f A J "-an f where he re- reed beck j cently completed his course and was placed by the Employment Dept. in a good position in Salt Lake, where he is making good. President Roosevelt, in a letter to Mr. P. V. McNutt, advises young people "that it is their patriotic duty to continue their education so they will be well prepared for greatest usefulness to their country". This year's employment has been the largest in the history of the school. It will pay to prepare NOW for a good position by taking a Henager Course. New classes are organized each week. A Position for Every Graduate. 465 employment calls have been received so far this year. ... A NEW ALL-TIME HIGH RECORD. Write to HENAGER BUSINESS COLLEGE, 45 E. Broadway, Broad-way, Salt Lake, for catalog and information. in-formation. Visitors are welcome any time. |