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Show V Couple Married In S.L. Temple A lovely affair of last week was the wedding reception honoring the marriage of Helen Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Green and Warren Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Anderson, both of Lin-don, Lin-don, held in the Second ward chapel, Thursday evening. The young couple cou-ple were married in the Salt Lake temple Wednesday, October 9. The bride wore a filmy pastel yellow yel-low gown and carried a bouquet of red roses. Her attendants, Mrs. Lyman Anderson, matron of honor and bridesmaids, Ruth Hooley and Reva Gillman all wore pastel tinted gowns and corsages of roses and asters. ast-ers. Dean Cobbley was best man. The bridal party stood before a background of roses, dahlias and gladioli. Orvel Anderson of Salt Lake, brother of the bridegroom was master mas-ter of ceremonies at the program which included two piano solos by Richard Anderson of Salt Lake, a solo by Drucilla Loader, a reading by Mary Burns, and selections by the high school girls trio, with Jeanne West, Lucile Newman and Maurine Lim. Presiding over the gift room were Miss Genevieve Hanson, Mrs. Lois Harris, and Mrs. Natie Wilberg. Mrs. Ella Smith, in charge of the serving of refreshments, was assisted by Misses Dena and Verla Tomlin-son, Tomlin-son, Lula Keetch and Louise Walker. Guests were greeted by a reception recep-tion committee, Geneal Thorne, Joyce Clark and Orpha Walker. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of the Pleasant Grove high school and of the Timpanogos stake seminary. Mr. Anderson also attended Henager's Business College, and is at present employed by the Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. |