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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1974 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1974 Lindon Lighter Tops Club Holds KOPS Shower The Lindon Lighter Tops Club held a Kops shower for Verlene Swenson on Oct. 10. She received many gifts and a nice box lunch was enjoyed by all members present. Verlene has been an inspiration to the rest of the club members. On Oct. 17 the club had a special speaker from the Amer-ican Fork Club, Evelyn Wim-me- r, who is now a Kop in her club. She told us of five ways to help us lose weight. 1. Desire to lose weight, 2. will power, 3 set goals, 4. keep a good record, and 5 count cal-ories. She also read us a poem: "They will meet you more than halfway. Get rid of frustra-tions that are making you sick. And your new way of life will make you tick. The life you save may well be your own, Whatever your problem, you'll not .be alone." Poem was by Hazel Dixon, a Tops Club member. Anyone interested in joining the Tops Club may call Myra Penrod, 785-446- You will al-ways be welcome. t y Proven t j Administrator ( Qualified f l Experienced Property I t-- Taxpayer Active LDS K ,.y Church 4,mYty k. A man of I Honesty and (if I Intergrity WiHbmF.IHIUISlH UTAH COUNTY CLERK Republican Pd. Pol. Adv. by Huish Committee SUNSET HILLS Located in American Fork Easy to Drive to Country Condos Take 5 & turn on Main St. to 200 West - follow signs. THE SOMERSET it Special Showing October 26 and 27 non till dark All Models OPEN DAILY 4 til Idark Let us show you how this could be the buy of your lifetime. ACE AVERY ASSOCIATES Resident Agents 756-747- 7 Am. Fork Jack Ernest 768-341- 4 Lehi Craig 266-034- 9 Eila 467-745- 3 Carlla 255-885- 4 Bruce 268-415- 6 " SKI SCHOOL and SKI PACKAGE SALE! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY RECEIVE 1 FREE DAY PASS AT SUNDANCE SESSs . 1974-7- 5 MODEL WW'WM F,SCHER C-- 4 SKISx SUNDANCE r If rf iiaai .A',303 '9.5a00 97.50 5 1 I 1 iSN I ryjk Fischer C4 comP ni00 n.so f C syrn tjk Fischer C4 Superglass i'o.'oo 85.00 j A Fischer C4 Catapult 00 75.00 Y VT - ADULT FISCHER QUICK SUPER OUTFIT f "IiIa Outfit Includes: r KM Fisc,ler Quick Fiberglass Ski 75.00 JV 7 ( W Solomon 202 Binding 34.95 A O l 4J J jj iPj, C Kastinger Boots 65.00 X J -- irr OV Jet SHxs Aluminum Poles 14.95 I ( iTm m mirr m X, B Counting, Engraving, Hot f A 1 I W B Wax and Hydrocheck 9.50 I A ' L SKI SCHOOL NO. I December - Mijf j SKI SCHOOL NO. 2 January I JUNIOR QUICK SKI OUTFIT SKI SCHOOL NO. 3 February I Outfit Includes: tVl 3Cife I. 8, 15. 22 I Junior Fischer Quick Glass Skis 65.00 w psT 3C1A 3 2 Hour Sessions of Professional Instruction I Jr- - Salom 101 Bindings 29.95 A rXl 7 FREE! PASSES J,r- - A,Cshili" Ski Boof 34'95 1 VT1 I C4 a Jr. Ski Po os 3.50 I Q II ALL-DA- USE OF LIFTS B Mounting 7.50 ) A L SKI RACES AFTER EACH CLASS B DC-- . 4Q OQ J V J TROPHIES for WINNERS of EACH "' DIVISION B j class begins at 9:oo a.m. &&immammmmammmmmm! j with bus tX J --ease our Package for Entire Season j TRANSPORTATIONYjYjjr Package ndudes: ti ' "T L I ISl, F!lcner Silver Glass Skis YT II CT itMy 'WITH YOUR OWN ' REG. I50.00 il fO - TRANSPORTATION I AUrV I SIGN UP AT WOLF'S SKI DEPT. I For he Enire Season DEP0S'T RE(?UIRED N"j W&ffSB NUMBER 1 IN SKIING! 1 1290 SOUTH STATE, OREM 225-950- 0 .: 1 .. ". " .' ' "' ' "' .Ill .I.I.I..U-- II. i" "" ' ""' " - ii.. .,n .ni iti V I '' , , - .. . ' . ' 4 - ' ..J ' J S : -- I ''' 'I t t j GARY BEZZANT AND MISS LaLAINE HARDMAN JaLaine Hardman, Gary Bezzant Plan Provo LDS Temple Rites Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crandall announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter JaLanie Hardman to Gary John Bezzant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Keith Bezz-ant. The marriage will be solemn-ized in the Provo Temple Fri-day, Nov. 1. A reception will be given that same evening in the LaFeria Reception Center, 187 West Main, Lehi, with re-ceiving from seven-thirt- y to nine-thirt- All friends and rel-atives are invited to attend. JaLaine is a graduate from Lehi High School, where she was active in her school clubs and church work. She has at-tended Brigham Young Univer-sity for one year. Gary is a graduate of Pleas-ant Grove High School and has attended Brigham Young Uni-versity. He filled an LDS mis-sion in Japan. He is presently a member of the Utah National Guard and employed by Poul-so- n Construction Co. The young couple will make their home in Orem following their marriage. i i i I t : ' ' : ! : i i ' I ' ; MISS PATRICIA ANN CLARK Patricia Ann Clark to Marry on November 9, Sgt. William Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark of Springfield, Missouri, annnoun-c- e the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Patricia Ann to Sgt. William Bird Dalton of Pleasant Grove, Utah, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dalton. The couple will be married November 9, 1974, in the Immanual Baptist Church of Springfield, Missouri. The Rev. Allan A. Maples will officiate. Miss Clark is a graduate of East High School, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Performing the duties of best man will be HM3 Thomas M. Dalton, brother of the groom, with Jerry McKinsey as groom-sman. Preston Norberry and James Damner will serve as ushers. After the honeymoon the couple will make their home in Cheyenne, Wyoming. An Open House will be held on November 14, 1974 from ' 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Orem Evangelical Church, 280 South 400 East, Orem, Utah. All friends are welcome to come meet the couple at that time. Sgt. Dalton graduated from Pleasant Grove High School and is presently serving as an Evaluator in the U.S. Air Force missile program at F. E. War- - ' ren Air Force Base. Attending the bride as maid of "honor will be Deborah Clark. Bridemaids will be Mary Farraro and Sharon McKinsey. Brian Clark, brother of the bride, will serve as ring bearer. Snow College to Choose Queen For Homecoming Snow College will choose its homecoming queen at activities Nov. 5 that will usher in a series of events associated with homecoming. The activities will continue throughout the week and cli-max with the traditional par-ade, the Alumni Banquet, a Ricks-Sno- w football game and the homecoming ball on Nov. 9 Among queen contestants nominated by campus groups is Carla Pace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pace of Pleas-ant Grove. She was nominated as a candidate from Anderson Hall. Lisa Baxter, of Pleasant Grove is a candidate from Nut-ta- ll Hall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Bax-ter. How happy a person is depends upon the depth of his gratitude. You will notice at once that the unhappy person has little gratitude toward life, other peo-ple, and God. -J- ohn Miikr. An asbestos shingle is a good plate on which to lay a hot solder-ing iron, etc. Cut decoratively, these shingles are excellent hot pads for the dining table or kitchen counter. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and apprecia-tion to our friends and neigh-bors who helped in any way during the recent death of our beloved mother. We are deeply grateful for the hands of friendship and words of sympathy and encour-agement at this time. May God bless you all. The family of Edna Newman ' ' ; . i : J i . " . . , I ' , - I : " . ' - - , V ,! )'- - v . j f i - ' ' i : i 4 f . f ? : .- '- i I s - ! i ' ' " " . ,; I ' t ; i i ' j I , I ' e : e f 1 n t I V v v I 1 MISS LINDA "MAAG AND KEND D. BARNEY Linda Macsg and Kent D. Oarney Plan Wedding for November 1 Seminary. She has been a mem-ber of the Vikettes, DECA Club and FHA. Presently she she is employed in American Fork. Mr. Barney is a graduate of Pleasant Grove High School He is employed in Salt Lake City. Following the wedding, the couple will make their home in Pleasant Grove. Onl way to establish distances between two points on a road map is to bend a pipe cleaner along the selected route. Then straighten out the pipe cleaner and lay it on the seale-of-mil- diagram on the map. Linda Maag will become the bride of Kent Derell Barney in rites to be performed on November 1. The bride-to-b- e is the daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Eu-gene Maag of Lindon. Mr. and Mrs. Derell Barney of Pleas-ant Grove are the parents of the future bridegroom. Wedding vows will be spok-en at the home of the bride's parents, 65 South 800 West, in lower Lindon. An open house will be held to honor the couple that evening at the same loca-tion from 7 to 9 p.m. All friends and relatives are invit-ed to attend. Attending the bride will be Karolyn Loader as maid of honor with Lisa Maag, a sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. Duties of best man will be served by Marv Erickson. Miss Maag is attending PI. Grove High School and LDS J NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following application has been filed with the State Engineer to change water in Utah County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Location in SLB-&- (55-450- Jack W. Batchler, 28 North First East, Pleasant Grove, Utah 84602, proposes to correct the point of diversion, place and nature of use of 0.015 sec. ft. of water as evidenced by Appl. 40581. The water has been diverted from a well, 20-10- 0 ft. deep at a point S. 220 ft. and W. 1150 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 18, T5S, R2E; and used for domestic purposes for one family, stockwatering of 5 cat-tle or horses; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irriga-tion of 0.25 acs. in NENE Sec. 18, T5S, R2E. Hereafter, 0.015 sec. ft. of water to be diverted from a well, 315 ft. deep at a point S. 84 ft. and E. 1281 ft. from NV4 Cor. Sec. 18, T5S, R2E, and used for stockwater-ing same as heretofore; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 15 for the supplemental irrigation of 0.59 acs. but limited to the sole supply of 0.43 acs. in NW-NE'- NE14NE14 Sec. 18, T5S, R2E. Protests resisting the grant-ing of this application with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, on or before December 7, 1974. Dee C. Hansen STATE ENGINEER Published in Pleasant Grove Review, October 24, 31, Nov-ember 7, 1974. Many a man has turned and left the dock just before his ship came "1. U lifted Peterson. |