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Show THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1974 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1974 " " TYPEWRITER and ADDING MACHINE RENTAL & RE-PAIR SERVICE. Priday' Of-fice Supply. 7564471 Am. Fork. M WHIRLPOOL WRINGER Type Washer for sale, good con-dition, 363 East 2nd South or phone 785-273- O 24 FIGURETTE presents THE NEW YOU. Gifts for every occasion. Shirley Stone, 785-257- 8; Ann Pace 785-382- 0 CARPETS and life too can be ibeautiful if you use Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampoo-er- , $1, $2, $3. Ben Franklin Store, P.G. O 24 52 CHEV PICKUP for sale, good tires, needs a little work; Also 1970 Ford Galaxie, exc. cond., 785-330- 9 after 5 p.m. O 24 Leithin! Vinegar! B6! Help! now all four in one capsule ask for VB6 plus onl $2.98 at Story Pharmacy. N28 FREE CHRISTMAS GIFTS for giving a House of Lloyd Toy Party. Call 785-537- N 7 PRATT & LAMBERT PAINT Allred Builders Supply, Ph. 785-222- tf Call Clive Beck or see him at 739 E. 2nd So. Ph. 785-217- PI. Grove Agent for Farmers Ins. GrouD. All lines of insurance. U GERT's a gay girl ready for a whirl after cleaning car-pets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Radmall Hardware P.G. O 24 WASHER Kenmore in good condition, for sale. With gentle cycle, several water temps., $50 or best offer. Call Stan, 785-344- 7 or 785-352- O 24 1970 MAVERICK for Sale in good cond., new paint and upholstery. Good gas mileage. $1120 or best offer. Call Stan 785-344- 7 or 785-352- O 24 LOW DOWN on 2 Bedroom 1050 sq. ft. PI. Grove Home. Will finance FHA-VA- . Large lot, irrigaqtion rights, basement imediate occupancy. Call Stan 785-344- 7 or 785-352- (Asso-ciate All American Realty). O 24 REFRIGERATOR One year old, for sale, exc. cond., 14 cu. ft. Harvest gold, call now Stan, 785-352- 8 or 785-344- O 24 HARDING CUSTOM FENCING Contractor. Also Rototilling. ph. 785-244- 6 for information tf PINION PINE for Sale, Phone 785-258- O 24 TOMATOES for Eating and Canning. Small size $2 per LADY KENMORE Automatic Washer for Sale, with Sud Saver and Kenmore Electric Dryer. Call 785-398- O 24 POINTER-- I AB PUPS for sale, $5 each. 6 weeks old, male and female, nice hunting dogs, 355 East 400 North in Lindon or call 225-694- O 24 APARTMENT FOR RENT For a Couple. Inquire after 5:30 p.m. 60 West Center Phone 785-291- 0 17 BASIC H and Other Shackley Products for Sale, Phone 785-246- 1 after 5 p.m. tf ROOFING PRICES are high and will keep on going up. But to stay in business I won't cut the qual-ity of m ywork. Shingles only. Yours truly, Draper Roofing, Don Draper, Phone 785-299- 2 t SPORTSMAN & LIONS CEN-TER now available for ren-tal. Weddings, Banquets, Re unions, Dancing, Contact Kath-ry- n Adams 185-299- 5 or Loretta Carter, 785-269- tf LADIES Do you have low Blood Sugar and nibble all day? Try my Shackley Protein Phone 785-246- tf LADIES Do you have low Blood Sugar and nibble all Phone 785-296- 1 tf ILW00D L SUNDBERG YOUR UTAH COUNTY AUDITOR W -.- . j 'L A MAN WHO CAN GIVE YOU FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT His Record shows : Always maintained one of the lowest mill levies in the State. Earned thousands of dol-lars by wise investment of idle funds. Served the best interests of county residents in areas of Auditor's May tax sale and Veterans and Blind ex-emption matters. Has always maintained a balanced budget (no defi-cit spending) Met the callenges of Rev-enue Sharing and other re-lated programs. Brought a background of knowledge and experience to this important adminis-trative office. VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY ELW00D L. SUNDBERG November 5th Paid Political adv. by Sundberg for Auditor committee j Vote .j I American Party 1 DelmarH. Reay " CANDIDATE FOR 4J , " HOUSE OF (' ' I . i District 34 I j For Constitutional L..... 4 . Jl - riauMinrJi Government VOTE Tuest,aY' November 5 WEDDING DRESSES for Rent, Zahriskle's ph. 785-345- tf BATCH JEWELRY 33 W Mail Am. Fork. REG. WATCB leaned, $6.95; guaranteed re I airs Your Bulova, Wyler, El in, and Caravelle dealer; Art day? Try my Shackley Protein Cjved Diamond Rings, writtei, guarantee; Off on trophies; and engraving. 0 BARNYARD MANURE $2 50 a load and we will load it for you. Reed Orton, Lindon, 785-274- 8. Sept HAY for Sale, Alfalfa and also Grass Phone 785-399- tf HUNT'S PEST CONTROL Yard Spray-ing, Household pests, fully li-censed by state and PI. Grove City. Ph. 768-344- tf ALUACAN REALTY Inc. OLDER HOME fnr $1 1 fWin 1 h1iwm 1 hatVi bushel. Call 785-221- O 24 VFW . . . Join a fighting man's Out. Call 785-216- 6 for infor-mation and transportation. O 31 PIANO FOR SALE Phone 377-840- 9 N 28 FOR SALE Ton Truck, 53 Chev with '68 engine, Ex-cellent horse rack 785-380- 8 SLAG, SAND, FILL DIRT and Gravel for Sale, Call John W. Roundy, 7854096. tf WANTED R.N. $30 Shift 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. LPN, $22:40 a shift, good fringe benefits. 785-356- tf DRAPER ROOFING CO. Installation & Supplies, of Shakes and Shingles. 785-299- 2 M 2-- tf MAGIC MILL WHEAT Grinder and Bosch Bread Mixer. Free demonstration, Call 785(4555. COMPLETE INSURANCE SER-VIC- E Fireman's Fund, Am-erican Fire, Homeowners, Auto No Fault, Off Road Rec-reation Vehicles, Mobile Home, Bonds, Non Standard, Commer-cial, Atwood Realty, 785-266- The Public Involvement of . . . wmm mm pill. Jill JJUWWW!WPmWJ.WU Juvenile Delinquency . Drugs & Alcoholism Member State Committee ap- - . Works with State and County pointed by the Juvenile Drug and Alcoholism Boards. Court Judges. ! Presently member of a corn-Advis- or to Judges of all I S' mittee to raise funds for both Juvenile Courts including ; ' Programs in Utah County. Judge Hermanson. - " ' I y l Vocational Education x j Handicapped Children Research Director Utah Tech V Member State Committee ser- - College, Provo. Recogni zed J ving Handicapped Children. I nationally and throughout f : j Board member of Mental the state as one of the fore- - Retardation Group serving most leaders in Vocational tne State Training School and and Technical Education. I - .,.,, mj other statewide programs. Taxation and Accountability Intergovernment Operations Member Budget and Audit Committee anal- - Member National Legislative Committees yzmg need for tax reform; Applying ac- - balancing state and local government into countabihty factors to all expenditures of our federal system. State government. l! Senator Dean doesn't just campaign on these matters. He is where the ACTION is doing something about them. Paid Pol. Adv. by We Like Dean Committee part basement. 933 sq. ft. Close in Pleasant Grove. Call Stan Boyer 785-344- LOVING CARE is what this home has. Large brick home with part base-ment. 4 bedrooms, family style kitchen. Exceptionally nice liv-ing room. Gumwood bookcase. Fireplace. Extra deep lot gives you more room. Good Lehi lo-cation. $28,900. Call Paul Mur-dock 756-451- 4. PURCHASE A NEW HOME for only $31,000. Beautiful Am-erican style with 3 bedrooms. 1 baths, living room with fireplace. Quality built in over 1200 sq. ft. Lovely area, South-west Provo. y2 acre zoned for horses. 8 loan available, so act now. Move in soon. Call Bill Harris 785-426- DON'T MISS THIS Nearly new brick home. 3 bed-rooms, living room with fire-place. Beautifully decorated with carpet and drapes. Nice kitchen with eating bar. Full basement. Roughed in bath, fireplace and bedroom. Utility room. Carport with storage. Excellent location. Pleasant Grove. Shows well. Make ap-pointment for a tour today. Call Beverly Monson 785-277- BOISE CASCADE HOMES Place one of our quality fac-tory built homes on your lot. Large variety of plans to choose from. Low interest rate loans. Let us show you the distinguished features in our model home at 445 East State Road, American Fork. Open weekdays 9 to 6. Saturdays, 9 to 1. Am.ricon Fork - Ph. 7S6-352- 3 PlMiont Grov. - Ph. 78S-352- 8 Ston Boyer 785-344- 7 Bev Monson 785-277- 5 Bill Horrij 785-42- Horry Beighley 756-465- 0 Poul Murdock 756-4- 5 U Arthur Worion 785-312- 2 Foe Huggord 756-340- 3 Chrit Chriitenn 785-273- 1 Noncy Bossert 375-142- 1 Horold Holindroke 756-283- 5 MERRILL --J LSjQN MMDS 275 East State t JT American Fork 756-7W- 2 LOCATION IS SUPERB for this older brick home in American Fork. 3 bedrooms on main floor plus 2 in basement. Lots of large shade trees and fruit trees. Garden area with plenty of water from a well. Double car garage, excellent condition $29,800. Call Merrill Liston. 12 x 60 MOBIL HOME 3 bedrooms, iy2 baths, Patio, Carport, Air conditioning and storage shed, all in exc. cond. Set up in the Mon-A-Le- a Park in Orem. Owner will sell on contract. Call Merrill Liston HORSE LOVERS - YOU CAN HAVE ANIMALS here on this 2 acres in Cedar Fort. Has beautiful double-wid- e mobile home that has big living room, family room, kitchen that's fully equipped with built-in- s, 1 baths. Carpets, drapes, completely fenced, landscap-ed, and has storage sheds and corrals. $26,900. Call "Merrill Liston. You Have to See to Believe this older, stucco home in Am. Fork. It has a beautiful, large living room, and kitchen, also has part base-ment. Carpet, drapes, stove and fridge are included. Ideal lo-cation and priced at only $26,900. Call Merrill Liston for your appointment now. Commercial Lot in PL Grove on 4th South and Main that's zoned C-- l. All utilities available and owner will carry contract. Priced $13,900. Call Merrill Liston Call ARMS Real Estate Offlca 756-769- 2 275 East State Road American Fork or . . , Merrill Liston 785-378- 7 Larry Taylor 225-623- 3 Ray Abraham 756-625- 0 VALLEY RENTALS Apt. in Pleasant Grove. Very nice for the fam-ily who wants the best. 2- -BEDROOM Apt. in Pleasant Grove. Frig., range, carpets, drapes and W.D. Hookup 3- -BEDROOM Home in Amer-ican Fork. Completely recon-ditioned. Large yard. 1 --BEDROOM Apt. in P.G. Car-pets, frig., range, -BEDROOM Apt. in American Fork, fully furnished. 2- -BEDROOM HOME in Lehi, Apt. in Am. Fork. Carpets and drapes. Home in Ameri-can Fork. Frig., range. LANDLORDS: take advantage of our rental agency. We can give you a partial screening and send you quality renters. This service costs you noth-ing. Come in and see us at 164 West Main, A.F. or call 756-228- Thank you, Abram F. Dalley, Mgr. VALLEY HOME RENTALS 164 West Main - Am. Fork Phone Am. Fork 756-228- 4 "VH&&?& ft o o( V - 'sV'iV'j f-- r. rtw ton?, it '.. WINNERS PG Jr. High Softball tema took first place last week in Orem at a regional softball tournament They won over Lehl and Orem on way to championship win. Jr. High Girls Team Wins Tourney Held in Orem Last Wednesday by Robin Johnson and Joana Bailey Wednesday, Oct. 16 the girls on the Pleasant Grove Jr. High softball team went to the Or-em City Park for a softball tournament. Teams playing were Lincoln, Orem Jr., Am-erican Fork Jr., Lehi Jr., and Pleasant Grove Jr. Pleasant Grove played Lehi first, Each game was to con-sist of five innings. Lehi went 3 up and 3 down for the first three innings, and P.G. won the game by a final score of 16 to 3. Lincoln and Orem played a second round game after Orem had won over American pork after a close game. Orem won from Lincoln and played P.G. in the final found after P.G. had a second round bye. Pleasant Grove was at bat in the first inning, and ran up 14 points. The final score was 19 to 5 for P.G. Team members on the Pleas-ant Grove Jr. High team are Kristy Winder and Rosemary Jacklin, pitchers; Kriste Walk-er catch, Rosemary Jacklin, 1st base and Robin Johnson 2nd base. Kathy Fullmer, 3rd base, Julie Allen right, Teresa Joe, center and Becky Young left field. Sam Cassingham, is left short stop, and Val Woodcox, left shortstop. Substitutes were Joana Bailey, Deone Walker, Lori Thornton, Janell Jarvis and Diane Murdock. Mrs. Shirlee Rockwood and Mrs. Tina Paulos coached the team, and were thanked by the girls for their fine job. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Utah County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations in SLB-&- 44116 (55-549- Merrill C. Burch, R.F.D. American Fork, Utah. 84003. 0.015 s c. ft. of water to be diverted from a well, 100-40- 0 ft. deep at a point S. 428 ft. and E. 990 ft. from NW cor. Sec. 19, T5S, R2E; and used for domestic purposes for one family; and usee from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs. in NWNW Sec. 19, T5S, R2E. 44168 (55-549- Ralph G. McDonald, 359 East Fourth South, American Fork, Utah 84003. 0.015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a well, 100-30- 0 ft. deep at a point N. 420 ft. and E. 470 ft. from SW cor. Sec. 16, T5S R2E; and used for domestic purposes for one family, stockwatering of 5 cows, 6 hogs, 100 chick-ens; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 acs. in SWSW1 Sec. 16 T5S, R2E. Protests resisting the grant-ing of these applications with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 422 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84114, on or before November 30, 1974. Dee C. Hansen STATE ENGINEER Published in Pleasant Grove Review October 17, 24, 31, 1974. |