Show T 11 T ak A k pai 4 S 1 released by western newspaper U union on WE IVE THE CONSUMERS PAY TIIE THE TAX OUR legislative bodies local state and national would have hav e us the toms dicks and harrys of america believe the greater portion of the taxes they levy is co collect 1 elect lect ea from the corporations if we believed that we would not object so much to extravagance in government operation in a factual survey of 1 65 corporations po rations made by the american federation of investors it was found that these corporations had paid a total of for taxes in 1940 the tax collector took that amount out of the pockets of the corporations po rations these corporations in turn took it out of the pockets of the ultimate consumers and we paid it in the form of an increased price for the merchandise and services we purchased the corporations had to pass along the tax collectors lec tors bill if they were to continue in business and provide jobs for their employees they could not have taken it from their stockholders the people who supplied the money to create the jobs for the total dividends paid were only or less than one half the amount of the tax collectors bill had they attempted to take it out of the pockets of their employees it would have meant taking from each one an average of the only practical or possible way was to get it back from the consumers the toms dicks a and nd harrys by including it in the price of their merchandise and we in the end paid all of it and then some the then some was the taxes paid by the wholesale jobber and the retailer they too if they were to remain in business had to pass on to the consumer the amount the tax collector took from them and we paid it such are a large part of the hidden taxes we pay our law makers tried to cover them up and they succeeded for a time at least with a percentage of the people they realize that to levy a direct tax on the consumer of an amount equal to the indirect tax he now pays would arouse a protest expressed through the ballot box they are trying to fool all of the people all of the time but will find it will not continue to work either in the form of direct or indirect 1 taxes the consumer is today paying close to 30 cents to the tax collector out of each dollar of his income he is working tor for government nearly one third of his working time the taxes of those corporations for 1940 amounted to 18 more than in 1939 there will be a tremendous jump in 1941 under the new tax law and again we the consumers will pay it all advertising VALUES FOR RURAL MERCHANT THE LARGE STORES of every metropolitan center demonstrate every day the value of intelligently used newspaper advertising space to insure that intelligent use these stores employ the best expert advertising ver talent available they pay large salaries to advertising managers because they know the how 1 1 when and what of merchandising chan dising advertising these advertising experts cannot if they would hide their talents they must display them each day and in each issue of the newspapers in which they buy space every day they offer a lesson in effective merchandising advertising by a day to day study of the copy they produce rural merchants can learn the how when and what i of effective advertising if and when the th e lessons are applied to their own merchandising problems the rural stores will find how much effective newspaper advertising will do in the development of home town patronage A study of the day to day advertising of the large city stores will show the rural merchant the how of advertising and 1 when to advertise what such a study will make of the rural merchant an advertising ver expert RAISE WHAT WE CONSUME W C WEBBER in the northeast johnson county herald at 0 overland ver park kansas proposes that america encourage the raising of all agricultural products we consume as a solution of our farm problem if all of americas rural newspapers would support the plan it would provide a solution for the american farm problem WE TUE THE PEOPLE THAT WE the people own american industry is illustrated by a survey made by the amer american i can federation of investors covering industrial and service corporations for 1940 the total assets of these corporations amounted to their shares of stock were owned by stockholders an average of shares per stockholder legislation that injures legitimate business in the united states is legislation injurious to ourselves |