Show OPENING OF SCHOOL except the schools at sahara and prout all the schools of iron county will begin work cork monday septem her ber in explanation of the early opening pe ng is given the condi comb eions of last spring when work g emed much more urgent thanin than in t the he h harvest cadt time of 1 last t fell fall it is ii th the desire of th thoe in charge of the schools school to meet the needs for help in the fields as a best they can but they do n not 1 t feel justified in dome doing anything th that at will mill lessen lesen the edu 1 I 0 n I 1 opportunities of th the child dd ren after cartful discussion b bi the school board and after making ganv inquiries concerning the time when n bova bivs are most needed for cor home hom work they have decided to open school be early should the crops to be bar harvested v ested later in the fill fall demand t the he help of the young people in any of the co mm unities trots K ill Is ie made to organize that fiat harvesting so that all may be I 1 employed nip I 1 med and the upper grades will close for for a short period tie school hool will make ekr arrance a m ments e ats to me make k th thia t work up P and nd mil III close school in the spring somewhat hat ear earlier ier than in th the past A WORD T TO 0 PAREl PARENTS the children are the nations bend line of defense 11 pt etota patriotism ota calls you now to sa sacrifice crince the sons of the family on the altar of the national ideals YU you are called on to produce more food and acono hot mise s a in every way possible that the war might be won after the war will come years of reconstruction now we must most have men fit to fight th then I 1 n we must have men and women fit to organize and rebuild it is your sacred duty to all you hold dear not to let your children grow up to meet the time of service sen ice unfit to ti do the work schooling is feces airy for every child and you dare not if you tove love your chilli child deny him now every preparation that is avery with within his h reach let your child renatte ren attend n d school every day and let ic them ba have v time me to study after school h hours 0 I 1 8 1 and nd on S saturdays they can help wit with h other work our state superintendent sends this message we must produce prodie more food there and waste less there must be no idlers A democracy she should 1 I id be made too hot for idlers we must save on our clothing all luxuries must be eliminated but in the in tere terest of the nation we dare not a bridge the educational cpru of the children in the he lerr ery schoola chr rN from united states commissioner claxton comes a si Binn liar message if 11 the he war at should be long and se severe e there here will it be great need in its later days for many young men and women 0 of f scientific knowledge training and skill akili and it may then the be nimicio much more difficult than it is now how 1 to support our or schools to spare our children and youth from other service and to permit them to attend school therefore no school should close its doors noi shorten 19 term unnecessarily AH AD young men and women in college should nd remain ami and us use the their time to the very best advantage except such as may find nd it necessary to leave for immediate duite profitable employment in some productive occupation or for the acceptance lance of a some P position aih in some branch of the he military service serice ice which position can not be so ao well 11 filled by anyone jane else all 11 children in the elementary schools and as nearly as P possible all high school pupils should remain in school do through the entire se u n may we have a f full uli attendance this year and may the p parents alerts and teachers work together so that every boy bay and girl will be be better able to serve on our great nation in the coming jeara are of olt anai id is our or great rest hope today junior high school organization wilt will be put into operation in all the schools as far as practical the fl fal lowing courses are to be offered JW JUNIOR W hu HIGH SCHOOL COURSES bouss IRON a COUNTY 1917 1918 GRADE required Enit lih G hy nd d current E er ent elementary science c community mo 0 civic ow oral En enella A arithmetic rt W woodwork wk k awine or cooking h GRADI required ired E ens 1 ih h r genera s nd d current vent sanitation aw A arithmetic w woodwork 1 rk a or cooking oral on english i pv p v duac or ny pupil of seventh nd eighth ejk 11 t five uniti an all inuit NINTH on GRADE general d a science elective or alth antory 01 civic cewin or ki wod wood work OrlEn lith id mauc an 8 english i h u geminn or other pt aluia geometry history mine or W woodwork k bi boto or zo loicy A fee of five dolar will b caws cd ninth nd canth grade scrib anine for tramp on of ninth nd tenth h grade pluit will probably be fee 0 o mater ill in ninth nd atwil rd courm I 1 in machnic hs h s nd hockhold houK hold rt my b nc cery the MO foltiny r 11 ali teacher h for th ob ty Q cita H whet whit 1 W W W all r gauly mcconnell ancl ah J A booth ax AC mh mech ati art mir mitt bergstraw Berg D 8 d D A B E B R D dilley ath ardc sv R L H haborn Hy born aith th rde HI H I granbur ath ard r euln barton luella 11 hit 1 ath dmd ihl IVR jannie C hunter am ard lon gowin EVA u buyst ad grade mr n matlue u booth lit it sasse F m of henry rii ri I H P J io A atlas a lloyd naon idio hath ft mech A art abd M ner D B D A geo M matchell Ml 11 III c lard J W aoah bentler I 1 m k ath th A A aith flit ed eti E ti ahm ft th g ardt d amik nalton 0 ard 3rd suit ruth anion and 2nd do d ganula O mn F L G gower iid itt smas PI H C bument kradji mbry E une u int I 1 leona j gonei pa summit J H G 1 grad gd F ditella s J jone kanrr bitne AG d mu wat 0 int rh rhod bry brynt po on one h room hi i sh school j id himilton Ht milton d F fort as buckhorn Buck ki hoin rh R h is EA enoch anna leton N new 0 eu ellio U moan vcra m t X I 1 S 1 kathan Kath h nn r prout 1 M myrtle 0 o bahm G buh lund 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