Show POULTRY FREE FROM VERMIN every mo man who 1 Is embe endeavoring ilma to establish successful business should E eradicate amic t a insects basset lice 1 powders are best applied by putting them nato atin tin ran can having havin g a berf perforated led top ilk like a pepper be box but with lur let r holes A newspaper I 1 la a spread on the floor 1 to catch he the sur am plus plu powder the he hen I 1 Is held by the legs head bond downward so BO that the tha feathers mill ft lit too loosen up 0 and fall away way from franc the th boily body and then the powder Is dusted ourn thoroughly u ulily the theft fanth ath a erti espee especially melr under mider the tail and age unil ad about lion the beck k and ad head lasiter lasit bi abig the fe uthera hr with lm lh hantl bond the powder will mill penetrate pene and ad form farm a feeling coating 01 er r the skin which ia I 1 dt it to both lift lice and an ante it 1 is possible and practicable to k kp kiep P a belk of poultry absolutely beat ut ely free tamn inu aud and mites cables and t this hl stood old be 11 the aim tin of vve everyone rono ali who I 1 IS emilcar endeavoring oring to catu establish blish a successful poultry industry |