Show VISION we have bay e been by sey sev eral end of our readers to publish wash waa matons vision and owing to the present situation in eurove earn 0 e and america we consider cons d e r it 1 t very timely alsin and take pleasure in submitting it for the perusal 0 of f our readers the article that fol follows lows indicates that the father of our co county u ltv was given it oren a very vivid peep in into to the fleure happenings a and nd de destiny at iny of his won coun try 1 I do not know whether it was wing owing to the anxiety anxiety of my mind or what b but ut this afternoon on Is as I 1 was table sitting at this very table engaged in preparing n a dispatch something in pa lmont the apartment r seemed to disturb me looking up I 1 beheld standing exactly opp t me a singular figure figore so astonished was 1 for I 1 had given strict orders not to be disturbed that it wall waa some moments be in fore 1 I found language to inquire the can cause Is I 1 of f her presence A second third and fourth time did I 1 repeat the question but hecei receded ed no answer from my mysterious visitor I 1 began to feel as one dying or rather to experience the sensation I 1 had some time imagined to accompany diboll an ution 0 n I 1 did not think or move all was alike impossible I 1 was conscious of gazing fixedly at my companion comp anlo presently I 1 heard a voice gaoing S son on of the republic loomand look and learn wh while Is at t the same time my visitor extended exten extended dad her hand hand ind and fore finger eastwardly I 1 now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold this gradually disappeared and I 1 looked upon a str strange a age scene before me stretched out in one vast plain all the countries bithe of the world europe aa A a aft its and am america ties I 1 saw rolling calling and tossing between europe rod and america the billows of the atlantic ind and bet between sen asia and america idi the pac fie son of I 1 the republic said the same an mysterious voice a century cometh look ind and learn at that moment I 1 behold beheld a dark shadowy being like an agull stand in ing g or rather ilia tina between eu rupe rope and america dipping tho I 1 ping water u out u t ot the ocean in into t the hollow of nf b his is hand he serl sprinkled kled some un oil A am erica cries with his right hand while he cast t some nine on an bri brignand giand with wilh his left immediately a dark cloud arose from each of these countries and joined in mid ocean for A while it re roamed nady then h dovd d t to 0 the wes westward not until I 1 it enveloped tied america in its murky rk r folds fold S sharp bar P flIe fliehe hf 1 qa t lung oe gleamed tinned through at interval 1 sand I 1 heard the smothered s it groans a of f american people A second n time me t the he angel dipped watce from the ocean and ild it out as before the dark cloud was wa t then hen drawn into th the ocean ben beneath tat aces whose heavy ao it t sunk link from to view A third time the voice saying son of the republic look and learn I 1 sat my eyes up on america and beheld villages towns and cities up one after another until the whole land from the atlantic to the pacific was dotted with them at this the shadowy angel turned his hia face southward and from africa I 1 saw an ill spectre ap pro preaching aching our land it flitted flirted slow py ly over every village town and city of the latter the inhabitants of which set themselves them in battle array one against the As I 1 continued looking I 1 saw a bright angel un in whose hose brow rested a crown of light on le which h eh was traced the word union bearing the american flag which they placed between the divided nations and said remember you are br ethern Instant iv the inhabitants inhibit ants anU casting forth their weapons became friends and united around the national standard and again I 1 heard beard the mysterious ioas voice son of the republic look and le learn arril and I 1 beheld the villages and cities of america increase in size and number until ae at last they covered all the land from the atlantic to the pacific and their inhabitants became as countless as the stars in the heaven or the sand upon the sea shore and again I 1 heard the mysterious voice saying son of the lie lic the end of a century cometh look and learn at this the dark shadow angel placed a trumpet to his month and blew three distinct blasts and tak ing water from the ocean sprinkled it out upon larois asia and africa then my ees looked upon a fear fill fal scene prom each of these countries thick black clouds which juc joined d into one and through th a mabs sea gleamed a dark red light by which I 1 saw orden of armed men who moved with the clouds match march led ill by land ind and sailed by sea to A I 1 meric menca which cuchy presently pet lv enveloped in jhc thc lh volume of the cloud and I 1 dimly saw three vast armies thu the whole country and village milage and burn the villages towns and cities I 1 had beheld springing up As my ear listened to the thundering of cannon clashes of bywords and cries of millions in mor tal tai combat I 1 again heard the mys mya t denous vow voice saving ong son of the republic look and learn when the voice had ceased the dalk daik shadowy angil placed his hia trumpet once more to his man mouth it and blew a fearful blast instantly a light as fr from ma a thou rand sues auns and shown down upon me and pierced and broke into flag fragments in in the dark cloud which enveloped america at the same mo ment I 1 saw the angel upon whose forehead shone ban 11 the word union and ad w who h hr bore our or national flag in one hand and a sword in the oth other r dec defending ending from heaven attended by a legion of bright spirits these immediately lomed joined the inhabitants of america who seemed to take courage again closed up their ranks and renew the battle again amid the fearful noise of conflict I 1 heard the mysterious voice saying S son to of the republic look and le learn dearril arril As the voice ceased the shadowy angel for the last time dipped wa ter from the ocean and sprinkled it outon out on america instantly the dark clouds rolled back together with the armies it had brought leaving the inhabitants victorious then once more I 1 behold beheld the vi vil lages towns and cities springing up where they had been before while the bright angel planted the azure standard he ald brought in the mid midst t of them be cried in a loud voice to the inhabitants while the stars remain and the heaven sends down dew upon the earth so long lone shall the republic last and tatting taking from his brow the crown on which blazed the word union he placed it upon the standard while all the people kneeling down laid aid amen the scene instantly began to fade and dissolve and I 1 saw nothing but tte tre curling white kapur por I 1 first beheld this also disappeared I 1 found myself once more gabing g ng at my visitor who in the same mysterious voice I 1 had heard More aid said conof sun of the republic what jou ou have hae bean n is thus thu interpret inter pre tell fed three perile will cunie come upon the republic the most to u ful is iq the second passing which the whole world united chell never prevail 1 i git her lit let vry every child of jhc thc republic Ru public learn to live for cor his hia bod his land and union with these words the figure van dished I 1 started from my seat and allt I 1 had been shown the birth pro g and destiny of ill the united states |