Show SILAGE IS GOOD FOR CALVES gradual introduction of feed may be ba alfeed bell begun wh when amm animal I 1 I 1 Is about st six weak old by the time the eif calf la is six 1 week blaw old we a may bein to teed feed very en rally dually at first using care to sea eve that it 1 ia fr free a from a mold old I 1 in a 11 little it 1 while the calf if will be able to consume a quite a quantity of allege and ad the amount will Inc inermae a aa it time ad advances the grain aln fed to the calf ain IS Us aya should depend in some degree upon the kind of at roughage consumed there them Is DO a better roughage the than mf alfalfa if hor hav it la is easily digested the th leaves lo of the al 1 folls falfa contain a principle indispensable in n th the a development of the young but an na amis is and not P present c carat in other rough tan decat age but at alfalfa belf rhay hay alone 1 Is not at good fo or a calf if taken take I 1 in connection with aim nielli the ration it 1 Is to too birlow B that Is to eav v the amount am lot of protein na be ra related I 1 at it to the carbohydrates and it eat cat Is in excess of the demands of tb the animal ral this condition ditl I 1 ia corrected of by the fe feeding ailing of slime and ad gram rc ill tike orn rich 1 in carbohydrates relics |