Show USE MORE POULTRY would tend to conserve other meats of importance to the country RETAILERS SHOULD GIVE AID boqi broiling g chickens chicken 3 are am plentiful and so selling 6 for five can cents les lee per pon pound it th than an L last at year large laige stock in storage from the unit united it state department ot of I 1 A present it 1 0 the fr frozen poultry mal mm let hum by figure figurea ot of on united states ot of ag 0 culture co can be relieved if the retail dealers mill handle dumb the bond at it a ro reasonable able advance av over abole le prices fine action lion would make pool poultry III auvill lit able in ut at gl bricea a comparing favorably fiat ably with wit other the meats at according to the und find ima or a calif conference real just juat ald here con belm een a holah hol ah po boulli in itly y closti allt abu tura tors and at of t hie lie department of agil culture koth both parties to lo the con can ference say ay that more poultry be safe eaten ali when the facts tire mahr stood food it by y the ijar and ma an I 1 in creased most it us use of poultry now in lit ahe opinion of the department vm tind dad to conserve other wants meats which are am of not morea important to at Amu leans and their allies la in europe th the letu ilera us an well as wholesalers eilers it is a pointed out at should aid it in r ri lieving th atit con cen coati a broilers abundant broiling chickens are am lipec aspeci illy abutment abundant and those of prime sold bold in jan june on int the B holt sale Is booket 1 in new york at an del price a of 21 22 cents centa a pound A year before the III av erg price waa 27 acot facing hie same tace are Y heavy holdings holding of 1 it lit in it lohl alil storage unless these are thessis am moved club kl lili farmers who b laidve in crea tied this haai a thick in epou to a patriotic appelt mill not heit have normal montal tang cond itt a as when their bode surplus comeau on ma th the no malet ma let lat large storage supply the pa carlna to his conference fare gd ithac that the a storage inc anage of pauli poultry to in uie the suir of 1016 1030 mcm unusually low because as of email all original ori gloal holdings nd ad large export demands this resulted s ln in high prices to pro decem during the C fall and ad winter white of 1116 the supply was am unexpectedly heavy and ad large stocks were stored at hig high costs ihen export demands demand tell fell hoha on oil t the ane of economy affected th home demand and Rod the storage luck mord moed slowly th the to mt t result fit are according card to III the it pertinent is that alon almost t ever bod body outfit lit to enjoy chick chicken ill din n 0 Z ars now at decidedly pete prices rod without I 1 in out a fe feeling C if g that at they ley or are 19 up need needed cd anat at supplies I 1 in short it is sold said to depend on the re tall whether cheaper thicken chickens will be available |