Show REGULAR MILKING IS URGED cow will do her best beat when hen milked at regular part periods d a of about twelve hours hour every day A cow cov clig can do her best only when alin liked at equal and ad regular get dai biily Y P periods of about twelve hours each the year around I 1 ahe he fu full 11 auppl supply Y of nielli to Is not dot 1 in the hidir r ready only to on Is be d drawn bet oat milking time lican coulam comes but bat sam gome of it Is produced by the glands during the he operation of milking th the editor ha how ever v la is usually filled bad and the raw cow becomes became accustomed to this but if 1 the operation of milking Is delayed the gla ds coal cense to some D extent to secrete in all n 11 tind and they will then not t bo be stimulated to good activity d during 1 the of milking this in jules the glands and ad poll produces a a d decrease e e in the milk flow so it I 1 18 very important that the 1111 9 be do don regularly regular I 1 y at A as over near the same a tl alma each ill al morning aling ing end ad evening a 03 imas possible ibi |