Show go to leorr A for yom la acs 1 rino toilet sets and new years caida at the t LOST on the night of ahe ane guv 29 A leather valise be lonine to G W abo contents of which will be of no use to but the owner the ander will be amiably le warded by leaving the sameal J ranks barber shop FOR As two bureaus one lounge large one ina came call at miss Kennel lafor terms just at roys a jiao lot of bips pips feet ALL family medicines ar for tale at and williamon LOST SINCE ahe ribe A easy chair with spring in lack brown chloi rith design down alie centie tid pinned on etith tottery 1 G ft oiled in cd valued at 30 anyone alio of said chain a reit favor hy it porting to OT baylowa Bat lowa G aik oik points gt s aud i h k purr dingi and at dine store paci TOMO will cuic any cais of daf 1 ly it loiter i sinian oa fo town i i i to W 11 aloys aca load of tl e cew atad ehtel EK tel alow ite if m ft nt i feua hool g t L ar ind simon j a aty 3 T r J 5 t p TO ahn P bennf inn who ili to crand loi ahw huli di tid it i yh arl ina first an 7 hi in 1 in nd bif siman alo nin ft t falit 11 1 ih au if ilif wih wi h ti 1 pp ap i raf in itkina hill pm tit apap IP j ti i no h all f inputs win ix rik n after noon anem ti 8 hm ii ni P hir ali s 1 MII to matt tio for pio i lemarn I 1 i hldi a sr 0 rr agn TS ilio nf rip shipped lv alif lilt ieok was ton llian for the weel end inar die FOR SALE hou P on Wool sido for W H ROT roa HEIT ohp houn boicu hv W I 1 art house below jn i for rent liine room in the hono and nil the loi enquiry at abia office an vinety of christmas boods nt and simons wint to bivs yoni jadv ioe a fine 01 years gilt ou cm find tham G G CO i KAIK 1 rf baled hay AD 9 A J G james old stand opposite cupit A Dien nans saloon wholesale and estall dealers in produce vegetables poultry aiice SES WINES LIQUORS and FRESH ARRIVAL OF eads A fresh arrival of FANCY CRACKERS efcy also imported BRAIDY WHISKEY WIB of guaranteed especially for tha use co PARK CITY UTAH whole ile and dealers in hardware and miners supplies wines liquors cigars ouy line of BB HOSO brull and complete in ever detail and alio in ton the att irom the our ants underwear conten in line the ch capet to II 11 V 1 or emit AND STILE il crall and examine 0 two art to how 0 o are acie foi eliat pui pye v a v 0 t AD DE LER IN W 1 I he assortment of pointed and fancy crockery f IN PARI CITY CALL AND MAKE selections FOR cea amab aday o sole agency for the celebrated UNON BRAND OYSTERS TELEPHONE connections WITH ALL PARTS OF CAMP GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY AND FREE OF CHARGE S MAIN STREET CITY i staple and fancy dry goods A EO 7 adf mens and boys clothing boots and shoes hats caps WiT Kis aigars Oi gars PARK CITY UTAH AMOS MOSHER proprietor the central market is now open and kenpo on hand tho freshest STEAKS and to be had in the market mines and families supplied on short notice DELIVERED iby JJ ax |