Show LEGAL notions FOR PATENT evtif 0 o lots I 1 I 1 aar orrica SALT LAKE ciar ov U ito itoi i f hereby fah t n that A W street JL W bodi lil attorney in fact whose i city altah ban mods implication to mhd tin for a pat nt for the I 1 alln alj lound lo und preau cwi iwi in alining counci L tuli sail abie aa follows duag attle aln c iii nt the dl corry and running II 11 deff 0 mill w feet atit nce n 50 dc 5 n in 11 feet to pot N 1 thence 80 aln mill t U 55 lo 10 corll line on lode dijt 0 o aa and no i of liberty lode theme 0 loio K fact to intersect Inter sec tiou I 1 southerly el ie line of proa luaa lode botasi n M deew it 2 10 fatt to pott t 0 I 1 lod c n 17 deff e 10 i 10 feit to point in northerly end alno of liberty n U dag ii w W 31 iX iffet fet t poat 0 o 5 I 1 barty c V di i 01 mill v ot IW feet tu i tide laiti of dode lode lot at 8 ah ds W inin ewh 10 feet to pot Pode clodt thene n ta isag 30 inin arldt line 1 liberty lidi a 41 daff v J 71 feet to post 20 1 J alahn and nn aria f 4 lio of irom no pot I 1 of t ld U S mineral monument no fc bears 04 di 1 I inan e ita hofft distant diB tant tho a 6 nd liberty el im bi ing of record in hit kuo ku o dard of alti altah the knowin locations locutions locut ions bang tho general dod c broad ov and I 1 direct thit alil 1 0 published in th aith the newspaper pub lilied nearest uin for tho II 11 Mt MAilEI 60 AI cation lor patent notice 0 o lff af I 1 IM suit ditke alt tinli october ibo 1 votice J hain if purk cit cownty utah r hive anilo fr n united aliitia nt f r the ohio calalin in district county un i of ft teen ctet of hit lode and garfue ground two hundred feet tiido ixida lot 20 fetid described in the held noles fand of the crichl on atla in alila omie at 17 decrees W as inflows coni al no 1 of claim nin 10 anilu act to post 0 o 2 J dc 0 inin awo ant to posit i n 8 dc w feit to post 4 8 W daj icat to poat iii of the exterior bound iry alln at said an creft of b s 1 acre poal sr 3 states ui lierl monument 0 o 4 bears n 73 dag 11 euln 0 ft cl distant alio eid baing of in the ollice i f the kc corder of said it park cit summit conati ahe nearest knon location I 1 el ig the minli g elala I 1 direct tact ahli eutico bo i the 1 urk ilnick record the pub dished nearest tho said for 39 period cf days 11 acm bird low bit s for apak ts 49 application POR PATENT bailee ao STATES LM orfice t utah oct A ta f voricl glim edward I 1 JN cro janics huntr aind george W choso poi tofke la park city lenti territory ahre kinle appl leation fr 11 united sa es fir lie I 1 ala ruining i lahn situate in counte utah territory tory consisting of linear feet of alio llio lode and ground two hundred fiet wide baing lot 0 o H 1 aind diria d n the held notis alie on alls in nian niantic tit it it 20 cost na COTO at the dl tover s 00 deg c JO fiel to the centre of y end line of the claim thence n sh des 60 inano fiet to post mo 1 thence 8 ai daff 50 inin w 2073 feet to 3 thence n feet to pot 0 o i phonco n eo io oa 04 thence s td iffe asoo fact to post 0 o I 1 tl 0 place of beginning of the auriti containing an urea ap plaid for of SOT S of the area in with lota 5 and 0 o conflict broin post 0 o 1 U 8 mineral inon 0 o s t dec feet distant the said claim bens t record n the falc of the recorder of a ild at I 1 ark in sum ailt county utah tho known lo 10 sitf the decue abtin and 6 brian I 1 alre t that this notice bo published in tho park mining accord the pub nearest the sala mining blaim for tho of dm s t tl mcmaster CR B nley parsons U 1 s for apple ts 43 FOR ao c ao LAD LA D amt SU lau uty utah adov 1 NOTICE la hereby given that the key mining company 0 kompany of utah territory I 1 y ui president U J enner whose poet lulAr eai 1 salt laae city utah bi mikle ap pac attoa a we patent for the U J clalra in mining district ti C bounty utah territory coa 1 BOO linear feet or the lode and eel being lot so W t and ed in the field notes and plat of the clat OB file in this office with magnetic at 17 alg W tad fast w fluom Comm cudD at the thence n ca arff 30 aln e boo feat to a pull tin the center of the northeast bixl hue of alia claim i u 27 leg tl alu w fed to ko deg U alit e ano featro e somia w 1500 feet t poet no 3 thence 27 dog U aln w fact to pott no 1 n CJ deg SO iraln e feet to poat no 1 the bilac of x of surface aj arcet for of 6 69 aclei from post to i bears n 13 dek alno 10 feet the aad claim belew of ferril la the of the of ball mining district at park city coulty rutih aba nearest known to anc ake bed and 1 direct that athla be lu uie patk decord he the ld claim for the period of day U tn bailey alt y for appl ct 1 S application roe PATENT fio iott STATES I 1 AAD omec salt I 1 ako iov y leai 1 is hereby saven street trustee by attorney attorn ei in iio adai mals salt anko utah has ando to eminent of tins united atta fu a the 11 K D lodo and in mining district couitt Co uirt utah territory md bounded and tta kollowa yol lowa lah alree ia c att 0 oud ico n center of alio end tha claim nt n t thence g ii deff 1 tuli w ant i ost no 2 thebie ie a 24 3 tacaca n dea V oth to post oa 04 thence n H daff nh post no 1 fruin y io 7 tn lis be ira W aci 30 c tt 10 it dillant arom the above dex tuo area in conflict with tiro mine 19 excluded bounded and da aa follows at B point r N des 15 aln ft feet froan poet u 1 ot atik D lodo and thence 41 dg d g w ayt feit adli dl i I 1 min e r 10 feet thence feet as dee IS min e a 8 10 eel to b bono darr area 1 R KD K D d ot 3 M IW acres said 1 1 lode ix in of ecord lu thi onaca ct recorder of alt brict at park cily atah alic knevin location the t anil I 1 direct abla not ce bo lu abo t carlt minlue ricord the newspaper pub ald clauri f ir tho full period of lir UL AO ryr ayr 0 O |