Show WHISKEY is liable to take a up wads wa ds now 03 worth was dc ner pittsburg monday IT philadelphia there has been hole sale grave going on for some time in one of tho lots here sixty bodies had been buried an disclosed the fact that every grave was empty A GENTLER v ho resides bear kalamazoo midi owns a horse of when the annal to years age reaches fifty the owned ought to supply alna with witha a sot of false teeth and a glasses IT is claimed by dt hedeon that the common samow is liable tahae small pox and that it is capable of corn tho disease if the doctor can establish this as a fact a general vaccination scheme should be instituted A occurred between two engines of a freight train in connecticut monday doing much damage the operator was to blame and as abut ought to be compelled to sit on a the next timo a collision occurs anc egyptian troops hang to their old commander arabi pasha on the they R ere requested to go to london england to unless commanded by arabi pasha this that still holds the leaped and askem of his old associates in arms even if be is m irons THERE 13 a canent that the telephone is in successful operation w ith divers who arc engaged in hazardous perhaps is no other mechanical ch anical agency that has worked such bonders von ders as ard on edidon should all the rest for bunline about such wonderful results TUB historian bancroft 13 now in hia year he rises at 5 and tales a cry light sati fies his hunger by a heavy cooked din nei in the afternoon he takes a horae bick ado of from twenty to thirty five mile manages his steed mounts and dismounts with tho agility of a young man two men in rove with the barao girl and each endeavored deavo red to cut tho other out one succeeded in exposing the intestines of the other out with an ax but not until he as badly beaten about the head with a club the latter was found in a critical condition hile bin adversary died almost instantly fran abo wound mado by tho ar Is the high school at dedham mas the experiment of reading daily newspapers instead of text books has been with favorable success niost niest of the daily papers especially those of the naw england state are admirably adapted for school purposes ahe ann capil of the school in question thinks that the plan is quite successful LAST sunday five persons were drowned on the liver thames in lon don abile skating they would have a due regail foi the sabbath it they had but just approached deaths door and been snatched away but since they passed through tho door the question which now agitates the public mind is where are thea in heaven or in hell well no they are is the bottom of the thames if then bodies ha been fished out aie responsible for saying that the comet will back in a few months they predict that it will be oven brighter than tt was duang its late visit and that tho eastern heavens will bo a sheet of flames from midnight until sunrise should this prediction prove correct the present will see the greatest heavenly sight that was ever een in the world the astronomers are not positive as to tho exact time of the comets return auf say it will re appear again in a lew months EXTRACTS from lacut nal show that jerome collins was guilty doc to minneapolis is bark ingup the wrong tree was present when most of the conversation w as bad between collars in regard to the batters lat disobeying the formers orders and the extracts plainly shock that collins treated delong in a moat contemptuous and discourteous manner delony issued orders when the ship was beset and drifting in pack for all tho men not on duty and those not sick to take two hours exercise each day on the ice collins obey this order by lateness and finally by nok going out at all it was on the ard 3rd of dec 1880 when colens refused to go and denied point blank that he bad disobeyed delonas DeLon cs older the coin minder recorded the same in his journal which has been produced and testifies to tho correctness account di collins may not M much after all as he ex hy H y T i k |