Show if the probity court in and tir tho conn teof summit of utah john iaac plaintiff va crado pape defend int pradit pipe tho abobo nam va defendant ou arc hereby to appear in an brought lyllia abaro named in tac I 1 rebate iri and for alie county of ti of within ten dayo of lb daiy diy of torrico on of this if on you within alio county of Sni umit oh if out of the ill count l iut tuo third judicial district of tho territory of within twenty day within forty days the eald net on is to obtain jiin dicris the contract ol 01 en and defendant of bow the said ed and you are linb yon foil ty appear anil anaker tho aaa required will ap ply to alie court for be relief the hoi K and alio seal of tho T ornta court of of asal tji ewt div al in the berr of our I thou wight hun two i 43 vf ark |