Show HEAT several schemes have been propose tor utilizing the internal beat ot the earth and seeing that as wo descend the temperature increases at the rate of about one decree fahr for every GO feet 01 this late varies greatly at different plates the possibility of doing so is evident enough the practical question is whether it is cheaper to bung this into our houses from under our feet or obtain our supply by disinterring disint erring and liberating the t asil sunbeams entombed in deposits of coal ant I 1 have reid remarks a writer in the gentleman magazine concerning these projects leads me to the conclusion that the cost of finking kinking dep enough to boil water and then to convey tho team or otherwise the directly heated air to our houses will cost far more than the same amount of heat from coal but as our thickest best and most accessible proceed further toward exhaustion and coal becomes constantly much beirer t bo case may be different cans take the lead in these verj tall and extremely noel scheme pc heme but in this particular effort they arc likely to be forestalled batha who ire contemplating he avail of the hot springs around tokio is a source of heat and alao of using the belt obtainable h sinking 1 he subject was introduced at i meeting of the Seismologic il a society w aich in it own earthquake study is doing good service mr milne who lead the pipi proposes to of he heat into an electric current and transmit the energy to the town ibis in i region wacie the hot springs ind earthquake disturbances indicate a much more rapid increase of heat thin more likely to bo within practical il reich besides this the tapping 0 ab teira nean licit in districts liable to will probably bave some slight effect in moderating aboe can ions |