Show CROSSCUTS it foupht to br a cold aby when rummer gets latt an thin but a plant trip falling oer obstruction 10 lo save a dollar la the easiest thing in the world dont spend it appeals of A digap pear ed bille it must ba e gone off A public is a ale of A man s became he pay his bill ten due when his hairdresser pot into finan cial foffa said it was a case obdier distress dis treas wh is the so patriotic 11 gi f it up because it is bound to the connar wih the strongest stron pest ties oi mind called a man todon and a dodo slid an illinois budke but when that female sail I 1 was a two relic ot a remote barbaric period I 1 was compelled to fine her for contempt of court an ancient maiden lady in the continental hotel was suddenly stopped and tenderly embraced b a young man who called her mr blank it was soon explained that the man had mistaken her for a and lie spinster passed on satish cd wanto telling the incident i exclaimed t dear mil how embar rasping not at all was the unexpected reply I 1 found it very refreshing 1 |