Show El mOHr E P ferry is in lako on a busi nc s in p W ha t was in zion a few dy abia neck mr L simon of be park cita hotel is in salt like on a business and pleas wo arc sorry to say has been ill in aalt lake but at was some better J M returned return pd from silt laiko thursday where be has bep for the the many friends of johnny curran 11 be pleased to know thit he is aap iap idl his illness mi T W cook departs to morrow for S lt aalt and irom thence to the eclipse mine to visit his brother mis L F gen ish returned day filin i short vi it to the ais in of a few presents for L F mr juo arnde is abl to br corp morp his lef h ivina healed allow him to walk with the aid of crutch po emery for a couple of davk in aden ind like u and returned au post yes gerdav aco W v noon for where he will ret a ft w daas looking ajit for a basins u lo LAtion in southern california Califor nii mm hot 1 chel returned from silt L ilc ihu whither lie to y tuie cup eap for bis ne v he i tu everi thing m bh pe in i sm levi t wa one ot in enli cit thi wel HP took his afi silt lile on thard thoin b tik in on i bu ine s trip di willnon ud W H rov left town mornin jr und r su ailious it is whis frid around then trend iff dieon ij to IA in i etoia of holiday khod J L vh tock t ime up tr m eio elard elp rd ind let this morning he left hi packed but r t lim it 0 o hf bad to bonow forceps anil put in his 11 Pirk City business J L ind iv iway mr II 11 0 left ye af bernon lor bilac lake hom on of w ot one ot lie will now frintz tt with mr miles ond stop in alt ake a few while mr will take charge ot the busine s in the park our bunc friend and bellev fe llev citizen mr branke jemm book the dast of the park his feet ye tarn marn iny and took tam foi chitko which pace he 1 maka bis home he ii a nun of sterling worth rind i hit ot in paik city wish him abc cess in blu new fetid dr J allan of the draff 8 oe pid the park a elins it tm du wel of atik city pic usably on nc count ol 01 bu bains ins he dors lit rein our drug Hs P rk cit ii i i a rowin will we hop call mrs wm M will leive on next fur her home in grand u mith tp end the holi friends 8 durin hr to abe park all of whom wi h lier a pluis int trip and slit takes willi her tov Whit tandE P i s dr from his edit ern visit evanine hale and atall in 1 well pieced hia visit he aport j tint people in and about his old ciomo er lucli interested in polk ulal its and bt county who reside here rand that chiy inid in for the pirk tie says abe and family lible aie article 3 in entry |