Show roa A counter and bar outfit for saie cheap first clas and to acci up at this office 43 tf ober our winter 1 and ret tee best boods as well as the i styles mado to suit all taster f 31 0 masquerade ball thursday december AT hall A cordial invitation is extended to ill lovers of the light fantastic A LARGE assortment OF COSTUMES trill bo hero a week before the ball so all parties will hive ample time to select committee J moore H bock lt violin H giles flute II 11 W brighton cornet T croft piano J M PROMPTER 11 PLATTS tickets TiC SETS managers Ma will nayed by their badges 44 16 the union pacific ATO eil sa R railroads TO X balce city lako city houd lake the EX acsa train leaun park city dilly d illy at 2 p m in sail lae city at 8 20 p m ito ping at 0 den for supper ranis Is the comfortable and JL tain incani of arii el acla can park city and salt lake city and travelers will consult their interests by taking this route rates and other information fur oa application to J W MORSE JAS SHARP gen t adymt G F T A U C K S omaha SaULa kiWy F R A G den cant V 1 R K yent birte cuy cuy 1 board and lodgings Lod gingo the las opened i baird icar and honce OBO door north of the house and 11 prep ired to beaular aad tiana ent cub tables always with frosli VeL and deits in the above I 1 also hive a PEED AND STORE and tally solicit a share of the public A U at SHY BEEl nas OX AT ft bexter stables 1 per hundred arco delivery JOB DELIVERY wagon always ready can be ordered by telephone park city hotel harfe city utah L SIMONS proprietor THE OLY HOTEL IN ally good beds and first class accomma Ac commo dation ifor elletS tables marj ct ajao ds lw to per day nc 1 I OS 37 feathers mirrors carpets wall paper 00 TOSS s CITY i of all la tho ONE CASH STORE OF fiti n r 1 ha M r t clabe Cla Bp agil gg iL CANNED GOODS OP ALL dry goods and beneral merchandise gysi 0 P MILES r MILE GROCERIES DRY GOODS BOYS AND MENS CLOTHING AND GLASSWARE HATS CAPS AND GLOVES cigahn of the purest and best in the birket AGENTS FOR THE celebrated COLBY WASHING MACHINE PARK CITY UTAH ELIAS pros P T SALT liias AND MACHINE one and i lull blocks south of U C R K depot c rv t iaac i W iv ii r ys sn 3 A abc A fc ft cy c y tsy ts y of steam engines boilers stamp mills mining milling and on hand for sale one 15 horse power stationary engine one 20 horse power portable engine and boiler one ahoi e power portable and baile one 50 corp power one bowd boiled one 12 lione power boiler one alden and one dodye crusher and rolls ng lafady LA faly SS ali A N dy g ats ii r chilk SAW AND MILL aci FOOT or arn tt fl tl a ti H i 8 Is yow open unil will MEATS JL JL jorj JL i ajl a sir s ir aral 5 fia aaB a lac jaaka Ja aaa B sadja SPECIAL attema ION TO MEAT fitce or 00 F AT THEIS HEW STORE nos E lemoie st his 1 beert we invite everybody from city and county to call ind our magliu atory building filled from bac ment to top floor with the cho neit apt selected and cheapest stock of new goods avei show u in tins cit no of in constant operation polite aud efficient salesmen ID every our dress goods in satin and velvet gatins satins de lyons siam ducree Duc bee silks gatins satins kllc velvety velvets in newest shades bioche bordered and other pans novelties plaids of latent importation black and colored 80 0 O cents and IW pel baid american di esa goods from 8 cents per 3 urd upwards oar CLOTES FLANNEL AND TABLE department contains foment tho choicest brands of punts bleached cotton Flann cla etc ftc our BOOT SHOE AND department attractions as regards price and quilitz qui lity rubbers ot ill kinds and styles to euit every want all goods sold in this department our DOLMAN CLOAK AND rim department has in its sales so far exceeded oui in every respect GOODS AND HOSIERY contains silk woolen and cotton boio in all and hie corbot in and dome tic jalcs twenty othia bands of bai pains iu silk handkerchiefs Ru ehms jewelry etc in this conr CLOTHING AND GENTS department contains hie best and moat pitting goods at prices to indaco purchases nery at onla LISS S 13 WILL JIM STOCK ami tanna to tin rat ra t or orders far and treatment established 1864 call and examine goods and no trouble to show gooda R AUERBACH BRO s f city drug store E 0 williamson I 1 DRUGS MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES SPONGES PAINTS OILS GLASS barashes Br ashes rop EL READY MIXED I OR USE apa os ka ip carula henry SALT I AKS carr UTAH WERY ijaga beeb al 32 lacteal nt second sonta let main A MAIN ST Op omas ate tahe pleasure in to the aliat we hive ditled up ihla place re if for and b uriaB td in utah in to aitt gitlit Dit lit sea iid chur baths which etui cure an humors of IM IMI I i 4 i TO sea 7 water 50 proprietor 7 1 M V jali ja AND aln street opposite yarsie mill A M prop im always on hand attention atton tion gideo to boarding horses helber aud barsc city LWE T S WATSON t park city daily aud esi ress car idol TV B M L fiort C F park city bank ralah ciar UTAH B VS and fiall Fidi ingo on U principal princ catie of the la on keir york ind au on the 1 coast raven 0 o i afony 0 arrios made on at lowest rate aue letters of credit la the principal or tha state aej Euroy fl mide t current rates buy and betl stocks bonds ani other to heir loth ud sn on corn niia alun price ald for tad county scrip WE draw oa lh cues ot l europa anz jerland london dabau duj hanif baale bertie geneva LiUia unc dorsc i ad byonne bologne Boa havre lyons aia 1 la effin Jf fin antwerp eruct eru ct ad J it tint Ama abil i bersen uj sta aneer teed cn and ian y cloreace ll oreace chaba Lt shoni shiun rio raio eltomi trurlu nd beul Ve ul at PetT burg berue n I 1 austria Crl abd I 1 rafice rath arito alu AND ALL ane ahman R til argo co ew boil A ells forgo co SAI W cua raj go co balt like caitha Kat lonal iua onnet M L avs r s t Y ra A J WHITES eibes Ex Bes 0 BETWEEN park cai r salt lake STAGE TUB days ami I 1 dill I 1 AT the AD ROBERT MAUNDER proprietor CITY UTAH fresa OYSTERS A I 1 ull line of CANDIES FANCY GROCERIES canned goods etc butter and eggs a specialty niesa CASES DAILY hare in connection the A first cl M the hu era ihl find steta bles and leali at all hours board reduced to 5 00 per weela alre be call geom a scott vv co and lesak m ehg ca fla aILS 01 vias picks aes Sho balious Balio ws toy oar 0 kissea MATERIAL TOOLS a rott OB ay str jaa sav li oils ra nerEa aard w A and sala LAKE cil T WM PARK CITY kraii tk coytt alico a th cly for alis ii DRY GOODS provisions D hilgh stipples alme wake connections with trains WILL ini pirk city as follows will acate tin ontario enill ot 6 15 and parl city at 0 aj for tua 05 a m train boing north win acao park city hotel at S 0 clock for the 8 30 p ro train going north ft ah be at the copot for all laca islo ar stable G prop B A janno N B park time Is SO minute blower than time TEE LONDON BANK OP UTAH limited 80 AUSTIN mabs londott ASI BAIT LAKE OITS capital fot OT d sa buy and sell exchange buy and aall on tho of tho united states I 1 NT FrEST allonen on deposits t notice of withdrawal accounts kept on the moat fATo tern in lon ton venn arun co as lambird tie lonzoa huk of if ariani in mew hindt la first national caa la bank IB am tha lank f Oal loral |